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        "Beomgyu?" He felt someone shaking his shoulder and tried his best to ignore them, hoping to go back to sleep. "Beomgyu," the person hit him this time, "It's important." Groaning, Beomgyu pulled the covers away from his face and made eye contact with an anxious Kai.

"What is it?" the older sat himself up, rubbing his eyes.

"It's Taehyun," Kai fiddled with his fingers, "Have you seen him? When I woke up he was gone and he's not answering his phone."

"Oh," Beomgyu blanked out for a second before laying back down, "He left."

"He left?" Kai furrowed his brows, obviously upset, "Why?"

"I think he said something about shopping, I don't really remember, sorry," Beomgyu said before covering himself back up. 

"I think the other two are still asleep," Kai sat down next to Beomgyu, taking some of the blanket for himself, "Did you sleep well?"

"For the most part," the golden brown haired boy shrugged, his upper body uncovered once again, "I've been up for about an hour and haven't been able to fall back asleep."

"Really? How come?" the taller tilted his head.

"Umm," Beomgyu shook his head, "I don't know."

"Something tells me you do know," Kai cocked an eyebrow. Beomgyu blinked a few times not really knowing how to respond. "You don't have to tell me but if you need someone to talk to I'm here," he smiled.

"Well," Beomgyu let his gaze wander around the room, focusing on the antique paintings hanging behind his friend, "I guess there's two things."

"I'm listening," Kai pulled his knees to his chest, resting his head on the side of the couch.

"The first thing is you," Beomgyu bit his lip, "Sorry that sounded really rude."

"It's ok," Kai let out a small chuckle, "Is it about yesterday? I did promise to talk to you about it."

"Yeah," Beomgyu slowly shook his head, "Did I upset you somehow? My first guess it that you were having a bad day but you were acting normal towards everyone else."

"I wasn't upset at you I was upset at everyone else, but it was all because of you. Does that make sense?" Kai tilted his head. The older shook his head. "I'm lonely," the younger finally admitted, "Lately you guys never seem to want to hang out with me."

"That's not true," Beomgyu frowned.

"Yeah sure it's not," Kai rolled his eyes, "I was surprised you guys even came over last night."

"Why would you think that?" the other asked.

"You guys are always pushing me away, at lunch, during class, in practice, even outside of school," Kai grit his teeth, "How am I supposed to feel when my only friends don't even want to hang out with me? Don't answer that because I already know-I feel unwanted."

"Kai I'm so sorry," Beomgyu sat up in attempt to get closer to the younger, "I never meant for you to feel like that. I really care for you, we all do."

"I know it's just," Kai let out a huffed, "Lately it doesn't seem like it. Everyone only seems to care about you." he laid his head on the older's shoulder, "You know, I asked the others, I think it was the day before yesterday, if they wanted to hang out and all three of them said no because of something to do with you."

"That's weird," Beomgyu pushed back his hair, "I think I was only with Taehyun that day."

Kai shrugged, "Soobin said he was making something for you and I think Yeonjun wanted to call you."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now