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"Sounds good," Jennie pursed her lips together after hearing Soobin's plan, "but can I ask why? Are you like homophobic or something?"

"No," Soobin simply answered.

"What is it then? Do you like one of them or something?" Jennie scowled, "Are you trying to break them apart because you're jealous?"

Soobin hesitated for a moment, "Yes, or at least I was, but it's not about that anymore."

"Just tell me what it is already," Jennie rolled her eyes, losing patience in the younger.

"It's about our group as a whole," Soobin fidgeted with his hands, "We're falling apart."

Jennie groaned, slightly tugging on the ends of her hair, "Didn't you just say it didn't have anything to do with your group?"

"It, it does, but not in the sense that they all need to be involved in the plan," Soobin tried explaining, "I feel like if I can stop their relationship before getting so close that they can easily hurt each other and possibly our careers."

"You think their relationship alone will affect your careers?" Jennie tried her best not to laugh at the other's fear.

"Yes, it can. If they become strangers towards each other then how are they supposed to dance or sing together? How are they going to interact with each other in front of the fans without feeling awkward? They can't," Soobin sighed, "It'll be like a domino affect, we'll all eventually start to fight. First it'll be about them then we'll start pointing fingers at each other and then what? All of our teamwork we built will be gone and so will Tomorrow by Together."

"I get where you're coming from but you're pretty stupid if you think that's the only-"

"The only what, problem? I know they aren't the only problem, in fact I'm one of them. They're right, I'm a terrible leader but I'm trying my best to work on myself to make up for my past mistakes and I feel like this is my start," Soobin clenched his fists, "I know it sounds selfish now but I'm scared. We all worked so hard to get to where we are now and I can't let us fall back down, as their leader it's my responsibility."

"So what? Are you guys not allowed to be close or something?" Jennie clicked her tongue, "Someone that doesn't allow their members to have connections outside of their job sounds like a pretty awful leader to me."

"That's not what I'm trying to say! We can be friends but having a romantic relationship, especially if-," Soobin let out a sound of annoyance and stood up, "You know what, if you aren't even going to try to listen to what I'm trying to say then just forget it."

He began to walk away but Jennie grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down, "Wait, I'm sorry, I'll listen."

Soobin scoffed, "Yeah right," and pulled out of her grasp.

"Get back here!" she hissed at him.

Soobin turned back around, a smirk played on his lips, "Make me." Jennie stood her ground and eyed him, after a few seconds of nothing happening, Soobin began to walk away. The girl wasn't sure why but watching him fade away made her feel anxious. She bit her lip as she hesitated, and before he could be completely out of view she ran after him.

"Hey!" she called after him, but Soobin only began to pick up his pace and before he could get away from her, Jennie leaped at him and pulled him into a hug, "You can't leave."

"What are you-" Soobin jumped at her actions, but didn't try to push her off, "Why do you want to help me so bad?"

"I just want to ok?" Jennie closed her eyes and let go of the younger, "Plus you still have those pictures."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now