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"Taehyun?" Kai called out for his friend, not quite sure where he ran off to, "Taehyun, where are you?" Kai, knowing Taehyun would want to be as far away from them as possible, looked downstairs, and sure enough he saw the older laying on the couch in the living room, his back facing outwards. "Hey Tae," Kai tried to talk to his friend but rolled his eyes when he didn't give a response, "Alright, you asked for it." The younger pounced on top of Taehyun causing him to squeal.

Kai laughed at his reaction and Taehyun just flicked his head, "Shut up," before laughing himself.

"How are you feeling?" Kai asked, his upper half of his body still laying on Taehyun.

"How do you think?" Taehyun questioned back, groggily.

Kai whined, "It's always polite to ask."

"Mhm," Taehyun turned over, making Kai fall back on the ground. This was the first time he got to look at Taehyun's face. Tears were still flowing down his cheeks, but he didn't seem too upset.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Kai met the other's gaze.

"Well," Taehyun wiped his eyes, "what is there to talk about? Soobin's a jerk, Beomgyu's straight, and I'm an idiot."

"You're not an idiot," Kai tried to reassure him, "You were basically being threatened! You know, maybe this is a good thing. You can start to finally move on."

Taehyun raised his gaze to the ceiling, "What if I don't want to?"

Kai hesitated for a moment, "Then I take back what I just said. You really are an idiot."

"I know," Taehyun grabbed a pillow next to him and hugged it, "but I can't help it. He's just, well, perfect."

"I wouldn't say perfect," Kai muttered under his breath.

Taehyun threw his pillow at the younger, "I heard that," making them both laugh.

"Anyone who makes my best friend cry is far from Prince Charming in my eyes," Kai sat up on the couch next to Taehyun and wrapped his arm around him.

"You're probably right," Taehyun admitted, grabbing Kai's hand, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Kai rolled his eyes, "Don't be so dramatic. It's my job to keep you happy."

"Likewise," Taehyun smiled at him, letting go of his hand, "That's why I need you to do me a favor."

Kai groaned, "What is it this time?"

"Nevermind, I guess you don't want your gift," Taehyun snickered.

"Gift?" the younger's eyes lit up.

Taehyun nodded his head, "It's in my bag. That's why I need you to go upstairs and get it for me."

Kai was about to run upstairs, but stopped himself and shook his head, "It's not about me right now, that can wait."

"But seeing you happy makes me happy. If you don't I'll cry even more," Taehyun fake cried, but the real tears weren't making the situation any better.

"Fine," Kai gave in, "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere," he demanded, giving the older a hug before running upstairs.


Entering his room, Kai saw that Yeonjun was scolding Soobin, while Beomgyu just sat on the floor staring blankly at the wall.

"Where's Taehyun?" Beomgyu looked up at Kai.

"Downstairs," the black haired boy answered, picking up Taehyun's bag.

"Is he leaving?" Beomgyu asked, a hint of panic in his voice.

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now