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Beomgyu's eyes fluttered open and he yawned. It took him a second to realize where he was and shot up, '"I'm so sorry Soobin I-" Beomgyu looked around the cafe and found no sign of him or his belongings, "Soobin?" Beomgyu sunk down in his seat, hoping Soobin didn't actually leave him alone and was actually just hiding somewhere waiting for the right opportunity to jump out. That's when he noticed a napkin in the middle of the table, "Is there something written on here?"He picked it up and sure enough there was a note scribbled down:

I had to leave and couldn't get you to wake up, sorry.


Beomgyu angrily crumbled up the napkin, "Are you kidding me?" He threw all of his possessions into his bag and he felt something fall to the ground. Beomgyu bent down to pick it up. "Is this Soobin's jacket?" he examined the fabric, "Why was it over here?" He stuffed into his back, "Whatever. I'll just throw it in his stupid face tomorrow." Just as Beomgyu was about to leave, he heard a familiar voice call his name and turned around, "Taehyun? Kai?"

"It took you forever to wake up," Taehyun smiled at him, "Would you like to join us?"

"Sure," Beomgyu walked over towards them and took a seat in the booth next to Taehyun, who immediately started blushing.

"Oh wow would you look at the time!" Kai quickly got out of his booth, almost tripping over himself, "I need to go, uh, feed my pet-sister! Yeah, my sister. I promised her I'd go out and have dinner with her tonight. Ok, bye!"

Beomgyu watched Kai as he rushed out of the restaurant, "He is so weird sometimes."

"I mean it is Kai we're talking about," Taehyun joked, causing Beomgyu to giggle. "Why is he so cute?" Taehyun whispered.

"Hmm?" the older boy wasn't sure if he heard him right.

"Oh nothing, sorry, just thinking out loud," Taehyun laughed nervously, pushing back his hair.

'Did he just call me cute?' the thought made Beomgyu blush, 'Stop thinking like that! You only like him as a friend. You don't even like boys.' Beomgyu shook his head and slapped his own face.

Taehyun gasped, "Oh my God-"

"Gummy bears?" Beomgyu cut him off, trying to divert the conversation, "Want some?" Taehyun just stared at him as he dug through his bag and pulled out a bag of gummy bears, "I actually got these for, um, nevermind." Beomgyu took a piece of candy out of the bag and held it in front of Taehyun's lips. "Say ahh," Beomgyu sang. The younger did as he was told and smiled after he was fed. He was probably blushing like crazy right now, but he didn't care because he was having fun.

"Your turn," the dark haired boy announced taking another piece of candy out of the bag, "Say ahh." Beomgyu obeyed, but right when Taehyun went to put the gummy bear in his mouth Beomgyu stuck out his tongue, licking Taehyun's finger. "Ack!" Taehyun dropped the candy, "You're disgusting!" Beomgyu luaghed at him as the younger wiped his hand on Beomgyu's shirt.

"Aww, baby, are you mad at me?" the older boy teased, putting on a fake frown.

"N-no," Taehyun stumbled, taken aback by the new pet name,"I'm not mad, but you're still a jerk!" Taehyun playfully punched Beomgyu's shoulder.

The golden brown haired boy held onto his shoulder and whined, "Ah! Ah! Ow! You hurt me."

Taehyun smiled and rolled his eyes, "Stop being so dramamtic!"

"Ok! ok!" Beomgyu laughed, but noticed Taehyun's smile fade as he stared at something behind him. Beomgyu turned around and noticed a few of the other customers were staring at them. One girl was even recording them, but she hid her phone once she realized she had been caught. "I guess this is the price of being an idol," Beomgyu sighed, turning to face Taehyun, "No privacy."

I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x TaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now