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Nicky Harper

Being friends with the Harpers were a way to brighten up my day. I've known them since 5th grade and now we're in high school. It's just so fun getting to know all of them and being one of their closest friends. I could simply go in their house and act as if it's my own.

I walked to the Harper's doorstep and opened the door not bothering to knock. It welcomed me with the 3 boys playing around the living room, battling their videogames.

"Hey guys!" I said exactly after they finished their games with frowns in their eyes.

"Hey, y/n." They all said in unison with a sad tone. They all look defeated by the game.

"Can I try?" I asked as I walked over to the couch. Ricky stood up for me to sit down in between Nicky and Dicky which made my heart tensed because I was between the person I kind of liked. It was Nicky.

They gave me the controller and I started the game with no one there to support me. I went on the game smoothly, targeting and hunting whatever comes my way. Until I reached the boss level which I took some hits earning screams from them.

"Would you guys shut up!" I practically yelled at them as I felt a hand go across my arm. I didn't have time to realize who it was because I was so focused on the game.

"How did you-" Ricky said trying to get the right words. I beaten them.

"Woah, she's better than us dude." Dicky whispered to Nicky and Nicky shrugged.

"That's my girl." I heard him mumble, I turned around to look at Ricky and Dicky but it seemed either of them heard. My cheeks were heating up because of the slight comment.

"I'm gonna pick up Dawn from her music class. Wanna come?" Ricky said turning at the all of us.

"I'll come." Dicky said before standing up, I wanted to stand up too but the hand never left my shoulder until I realized it was Nicky's.

Soon, Ricky and Dicky left, leaving me with Nicky. I looked at him as he looked away from me. His eyes focused on T.V as his hand caresses my shoulder. I looked at his facial features, his eyes shimmering, his jawline that could literally cut anyone, his perfect lips and everytime he makes a sudden movement- his dimples show. It was probably one of the most attractive things about him.

"You're staring." Nicky said in a husky voice. I wanted to react to what he said but I was too caught in his face.

"I'm gazing." I replied trying to hide the fact that my heart was fluttering and beating intensely.

Nicky's head turned over to me, the videogame's theme song surrounding us. I decided I would just play and ignore him. When them game started Nicky got the controller.

"I was playing! Rude!!" I yelled as I tried to get the controller from him. He was smiling as he reached away from me, I climbed on him trying to reach the controller over his head.

I sat on his lap as I reached for the controller with him pushing me back.

"Shorty." Nicky teased as he reached out. I gave him a groan.

I reached the controller and this time it was my turn to reach away from his touch. Nicky grabbed my waist and flipped us over, now he was on top trying to catch my hand. I held the controller on both of my hands.

"God, you're so difficult." Nicky mumbled as he got the controller from me and I sigh in defeat as the videogame stopped.

I looked up at Nicky that was on top of me, our heads a few inches apart. I stared into his eyes trying to comprehend his next move but I felt blank. I could feel my own heart beating as he rest on top of me.

Nicky was staring at my eyes but glancing to my lips from time to time. Soon, his lips were on mine. It was long sweet kiss, his lips moving in sync with mine, Nicky taking the lead. My first kiss had been stolen.

We heard the door burst open as we pulled away quickly but we failed to get out of each other's touch.

"Woah, get a room!" Ricky said covering his eyes dramatically.

"Nicky's all grown up!" Dicky said trying to wipe off a fake tear. Nicky's head fell down to my neck in embarrassment and frustration.

"Alright, Y/n, I see you." Dawn said winking and smirking at me.

"Nicky?" I said in a soft voice, he was so heavy and warm and I didn't mind but his siblings are already there.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"You can get off me now." I said softly. He looked up at me before sighing. He stole a kiss from me that the other three took seriously and gave a gasping face as Nicky went up the stairs.

The three of them went up to me sitting down next to me. I looked at them awkwardly.

"You can speak." I said and they shot me with a lot of questions. I groaned.

"So are you guys dating?"
"How was the kiss?"
"Was he a good kisser?"
"What will the kid's name be?"
"What do you call each other?"

"Guys!" I shouted and they seemed to stop. "I don't know." I said answering all their questions. I rolled my eyes and went up the stairs.

"Where is she going?" Dawn asked her siblings and that was the last thing I heard before going in Nicky room's and saw him laying down on the bed.

His eyes glanced at me and a smile broke into his lips. "Hey." He said with a cute grin. I smiled back jumping in the bed with him.

Nicky puts his arm around me and I dug my head on his neck, inhaling his lovely scent. I heard him chuckle.

"We never broke up since we were 12." Nicky said and I looked up at him in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"I asked you to be my girlfriend when we were in sixth grade and you said yes. After that we never broke up. Technically, you're still mine." He said in a soft and clingy voice.

"You held on to that?" I joked with a slight chuckle.

"Who wouldn't? You're worth holding on for." He said pulling me in closer to him. I chuckled in response.

The T.V played on and I heard small snores. I looked up the boy who was his head on a pillow looking the cutest. I sat up and smiled at the sight of him. I played with his hair as a small smile creeped on his lips. I couldn't contain myself and gave him a peck, his eyes slowly opening.

"You really had to kiss me, huh?" He said jokingly. I shrugged my shoulder as he went up to me and tackled me down. He was on top of me once again.

"Oh no." I said covering my face as Nicky tried to pull them off. He did it successfully and started kissing me non-stop.

"Nicky, stop!" I giggled and he did. He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I love you." He said sincerely

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