at some point

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five hargreeves - angst

at some point maybe it was love. they didn't want to admit it but there was a time were they looked into each other's eyes and it sparked a thousand feelings right then and there. even with the little things. the subtle way of how their hands brushed against each other but none of which had the courage to actually take the person's hand and intertwine their fingers. the sneaky glances they did, afraid that the other might catch them staring. the simple exchange of hi's and hello's brought warmth in their hearts as they beat in unison.

it was like the universe said that their names were written in the sky, the stars were admiring them from above when they enjoyed the night sky as they walked around the street at 2 am. the amount of times both five and y/n has told the moon about how they secretly admire the other.

maybe it was just the wrong time or maybe the wrong person.

"why weren't you here when you promised you were?" the words struck like lightning. it hurts. it hurts so much.

"i'm sorry, y/n."

"sorry doesn't fix anything , five. sorry can't repay all those days you left me hanging. your sorry can't replace all the misery i felt when i was waiting at our usual spot then realizing you weren't coming anyway." you ranted, tears were on the corner of your eyes wanting to stream down like a river. "the thing is, you left. and you come back into my life after years then act like nothing happened."

the words stung like a bee. five regreted everything.

he could have held her close and whispered everything he admired about her. he could have intertwined their hands. their glances could have been there without being afraid of getting caught. their laughters could be a bit louder when they were together and not awkward silences when they didn't know what to say.

but the thing is, how do you let go of something you didn't even have a hold on?

17 years ago, five had left. everyday was miserable without him.

"he's gonna be back." vanya reassured but years passed and he didn't.

each one of the members of the academy had left and it was time for y/n to leave too. she had lost hope in ever finding five and waiting for him was like watching a blue moon appear. she can't be stuck in time where five could possibly have moved on.

it was hard, everyday she whispered into the night sky hoping that the moon would deliver her message. until she met with silence. at first it was comfortable because she would spend every silence with five in their yard staring at the stars, counting them until they lost their breaths. but now it was intoxicating, the silence was drowning her into the thought that maybe there wasn't love at all.

she left and started doing everything in order to forget whatever they had- or what they were suppose to have. she found herself working to an extent that eventually led to her success and to a new life.

despite having a new life, the emptiness she felt at the back of her mind was suffocating. it was like there was a hole in her. the heart she gave openly not knowing whether that person will break it or keep it safe, she was silently hoping that one day someone would pick up the broken pieces and fill up that gap she was missing.

and there was.

"we weren't together. everything was just a colorless memory." you said.

"we could try again." five said but you shook your head to disagree.

"five, i'm married." you started, it has been 17 years after all. "and i love him. i really do."

"since when?"

"since 7 years ago."

tears were falling now. their eyes that were once filled with love and adoration were now dull and sad.

thoughts flew in five's mind. voices shouting how stupid he was for leaving, how everything could have been fine if he didn't. why now? why should he come when it was too late?

"it's too late, five. i can't leave him." you said, wiping the tears that unexpectedly fell from your eyes. it wasn't right.. not anymore.

if only you could turn backtime. but no, you can't. even with five time traveling back, it was impossible and he knew it. time traveling to the past was like jumping into a sea of darkness. multiple calculations and accurate timing is needed to go back. you can't change the future when you go back, you only make another parallel universe with it because that's fate.

this time, it was y/n who'll leave. not five. she's moved on to another life- to someone else. seeing the person you love most fade away like a bubble in the sky.

the thing is they never even got to confess. but at some point..

maybe it was love.

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