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five hargreeves

today was a bit different. after getting the last coffee shop shattered because of five, he decided to go away for a while and find a new coffee shop far from his house. it was about 2am in the morning, it was a surprise that a coffee shop was still opened and going. he ordered his usual black coffee and sat down on a corner beside the window as he looked out the city.

letting his coffee sit on the table in front of him waiting for it to cool off a bit. he brought out his notebook full of different equations, a groan escaping his lips from time to time when he didn't understand what he was reading.

after that coffee shop incident a few days ago, he silently wished he wouldn't be tracked so easily this time. he isn't a heartless person, he doesn't want an innocent being that had nothing to do with him get hurt, specially if the reason was him. so instead here he is, staring blankly at the wall as his mind keeps thinking.

the bell rang that meant someone had entered. five didn't pay attention to it, he was busy sipping his coffee which left a burning sensation on his tongue because of its temperature and bitterness.

"excuse me." an unfamiliar voice said. five didn't bother to look up, he didn't want to but his body seemed to have disagreed.

looking up to a female about his age (body wise) more or less. suddenly he regrets looking up into such eyes that gave off a certain emotion of gentleness. there's no turning back now.

"would you mind if i sit down here? i don't feel comfortable being alone." she said quite awkwardly, eyes contemplating whether or not she said the right words.

"sure." five mumbled loud enough for her to hear. she let out a sigh of relief, settling her tray down. her cup filled with hot chocolate and a croissant on the side.

it started off awkward, being in a stranger's table. "it's late, you know." she started, cheeks puffy from the pastry she ate. a hand covering her mouth. "you should be careful around here."

"shouldn't i be saying that to you?" five said, eyebrows curling. why was he even replying? he never liked social interaction.

she left a chuckle. "you're right. you might be a serial killer i don't know of."

"what if i am?" five replied, their eyes meeting. he realized how her eyes were such a bright color. almost like a mirror that he could see himself in.

"you're too cute to be." she said breaking eye contact to cut another piece in her pastry.

" 'm not cute." five scoffed.

"sure, sherlock."

a moment of silence was shared. five sipping his coffee once more until it reached 1/4 of the cup. only another sip, he can stand up and run off to who knows where. but he doesn't, he shrunk himself on his seat, tugging his academy jacket closer.

"you drink black coffee? jeez, are you that emotional?"

"are you judging me by my drink?"

"perhaps." she shrugged.

began ranting about how coffee taste too bitter that it was unpleasant. she prefered hot chocolate with two cubes of sugar and cute marshmallows on top, or maybe coffee could be bearable if you add creamer and sugar. just something not... black. it went on with five debating that black coffee is better for energizing and waking up your senses for what may come.

suddenly taking a turn of how people that like black coffee are psychopaths. five rolling his eyes from now and then only to get a shy chuckle from the woman in front of him. they debated whether or not five was a psychopath which was partly true but he didn't want to give himself off.

"only psychopaths would order black coffee at 2am wearing a fucking uniform." she said.

"oh fuck off." he cursed.

the noise stopped from coming. five looked at the person in front of him before they bursts into a giggle. five thought that it was something he hasn't heard in a while, a sound that he forgot existed. a genuine laugh that he caused.

he found himself staring at her, eyes making soft crescent as she threw back on her chair, the back of her hand covering her mouth as cute giggles escaped from her lips. it was all happening so slow yet so fast that when she stopped, he wished she could continue making such noises.

"why are you so serious all of the sudden?" she asked, her head tilting to the side. five shook his head, looked down on his cup before seeing the black coffee that gone cold.

"i have to get home." he blurred out, the smile fading from her lips slowly. she nodded.

"you're right, your parents must be worried."

right. in her eyes, five was just an ordinary boy. five didn't exist in the first place.

"will you be safe when you get home?" she flashed a shocked face, not expecting the concern.

"i will. i'm used to it."

five took the first move to stand up and make his way to the door. each step felt heavy, he knew she was looking at him. a pair of eyes piercing through him. he didn't look back. once he walked out, a second from disappearing into the air.

"five!" his name was called. "let's meet again soon." she winked before running off.

wait how did she know my name?

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