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TWs for the book:
suicide / death

Jeongin's POV

"What are you doing?" I asked Chris, confused because I could see him messaging someone on Twitter.

"I'm talking to fans on Twitter" He said casually.

"We're definitely not allowed to do that though, right?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, they think I'm just another fan so they don't actually know it's me" He said, my jaw slightly dropped when he said this.

"Don't you feel a bit guilty? You know, you're kind of lying to them?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"As much as I would love to say who I am, I know that I can't. This is the closest way I can talk to them. I don't feel guilty at all, I'm only a little scared that they will figure out that it's me" He said and I nodded.

"You've been practicing your English and you're getting really good though, how about you make an account too?" He suggested, I shook my head immediately.

"I'll feel way too guilty!" I said and Chris laughed at me.

"Jeongin I swear you'll forget about it! It'll give you a chance to practice your English a lot more too" He said, and he has a point.

After a lot more convincing, I decided to make an account.

"So, how do I blend in?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"First you need a good username and a layout that makes you look like a stay" He said and I nodded.

He chose for my account to be what he called "ot8". I learnt that that the term meant that they love all 8 members equally. My profile picture was the Stray Kids logo but in different colours to normal, and my header was a picture of all of us together. We chose my username to be straystay which i really liked.

"Now you need a fake name, you can't go around calling yourself Jeongin otherwise people will either think you're crazy or that it's actually you" He said and I nodded. Chris' fake name is Cee, which isn't that far away from his name but it's not obvious that it's him. He ended up suggesting the name Jay for me because it's from the first letter of my name. I liked it and used it as my name.

We left my bio blank and I followed Stray Kids, JYP and some Stray Kids dedicated accounts. Finally, Chris gave me his username and I followed him and he followed be back.

"Welcome to stan Twitter Jeongin" He said and I looked at him confused.

"What does stan mean?" I asked and he sighed.

"I forgot you've not even spoken to one person yet" He muttered and I shook my head at him.

"Stan basically means 'a big fan' okay? you'll see it a lot. If you talk to someone just say you're new to stan twitter and they should help you" He said and I nodded.

"Let's find you some stays to talk to" He said and I smiled.

He took my phone and made a tweet asking for "mutuals" who stanned Stray Kids. He said mutuals are people who you follow and talk to and share same interests.

He kept teaching me new things and eventually one person with the username 'skzglow' messaged me.

skzglow: I see you're looking for mutuals so hello!

I was shocked that someone messaged me so quickly, I followed them back and tried to form a reply.

straystay: hello! i'm new to stan twitter and english isn't my first language, forgive me if i make mistakes :)

skzglow: of course! i haven't seen much but you seem really good at english so you're doing great :) are you ot8 biased or do you have a bias?

straystay: i'm ot8, i can't pick a bias :D how about you?

skzglow: i used to be seungmin biased before stray kids debuted, but now everyone is kind of my bias so i'm ot8 too! however, a few people might be catching my eye :)

They've been around since before our debut? Wow they're dedicated.

straystay: woah, who's catching your eye??

skzglow: felix and jeongin, they were shining in their latest comeback! i'm so proud of them

I smiled seeing my name and quickly typed my reply.

straystay: oh really? if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?

skzglow: oops! i forgot to tell you :D my name is Y/N, how about you?

Y/N... that's a really nice name.

straystay: my name is Jay :)

I felt weird calling myself Jay, but I knew I'd get used to it.

skzglow: oh nice! so are you a fangirl or a fanboy? i don't mind either way :)

I quickly looked up what fangirl and fanboy meant before replying to Y/N

straystay: I'm a fanboy :D

skzglow: yess! we need more fanboys around, I only know a couple

straystay: ohh I see :D, so where are you from?

skzglow: I'm originally from California, I spent 11 years of my life there before moving to South Korea :) How about you?

straystay: I'm from South Korea, I haven't lived anywhere else :)

Before we knew it, we were talking for hours...


hey guys! i hope you like the idea of this story so far :) if you do please vote so i know that you guys want more too!

- your author <3

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