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3 year debut anniversary...


I was so happy to release a new single to celebrate my 3 year debut anniversary! Everyone loved the song and my performance of it on stage. I have grown so much since debut thanks to my fans and the people around me. I also had a fan meeting in the morning to see as many fans as possible.

Once I got home from my busy day of schedules, I noticed the dorm was mysteriously quiet. I walked through the dorm and soon enough 8 boys jumped out.

"Surprise!" They all yelled, startling me like crazy.

There were banners, streamers, hats, confetti, balloons and lots of food everywhere! We all sat around having a lot of fun whilst eating our delicious food. We played some Mario Kart, as it became a tradition, and other games too!

Soon enough, the piles of food were all eaten by the 9 of us. We all stuffed ourselves, and put on some movies to relax into the evening. I sat beside Jeongin, who eventually pulled me onto his lap, and we sat comfortably together for the movie.

"Can we go out for a while? The night views will be pretty" Jeongin whispered to me, I nodded and he smiled brightly. "Get a coat, I don't want you getting a cold" He said and I nodded.

We dressed appropriately for the cold weather, and walked in a comfortable silence together around the city. He took us to a gorgeous scene by the Han River. We both smiled at each other and just continued to look at each other happily.

"Why did you want to come out here?" I asked him and he smiled, taking a small step closer to me.

"Now that it's been three years, the dating ban is gone for the both of us" He said calmly, I suddenly remembered this and my eyes widened.

"So, I wanted to remind you that I always said I would wait for you, and I have. I want to take this opportunity to tell you that you are the most perfect person that has ever walked the Earth. You deserve nothing but love and happiness, and I want to be the one to give it to you" He said and I teared up.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me and I nodded instantly. He grinned his amazing smile and grabbed me for a big hug, he lifted me off the group which made me surprised but once my feet were on the ground I looked back at him. He had slightly teary eyes, only visible because of the moonlight.

"Finally" He sighed, quickly putting a hand on my cheek and planting a kiss on my lips. I smiled and returned his kiss until we both broke apart.

We walked back to the dorm hand in hand, and the other members were eagerly waiting at the door to see how things had gone. They saw our intertwined hands and jumped up and down in joy. We smiled together and he planted a quick kiss on my forehead, which made the members go even more insane.

We went back to our dorm room, getting ourselves ready to sleep. He was already in his bed when I got out of the bathroom, he patted the spot beside him on his bed, which I gladly took.

"Thank you for waiting" I said, as I sat beside him. He didn't say anything for a moment. Instead, he wrapped his arm around me and brought me into a hug.

"Thank you for accepting" He said, making both of us smile.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" He answered.


hi guys, sadly that's it :(

this ending is very abrupt but i hope it's okay! i couldn't think of anything else to write and it's been over a month since i updated.

i have another stray kids member fanfic in the works so please pay attention for that!

if you liked this, please let me know!!!

thanks everyone

- your author <3

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