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Jeongin's POV

Y/N's practice should have finished 10 minutes ago, and normally she would message me by now... I know it's not a long time but I can't help but worry. The members realised this and all laughed a little bit.

"They might just be running over! Don't worry your little head over it" Changbin said and I nodded.

"Why don't we play some mario kart until she's back?" Felix asked and everyone agreed.

We all played against each other in loads of games, and we all lost track of time. 3 hours later, I checked my phone and she still wasn't back and hadn't messaged. Without thinking, I ran out of the room, shoved my shoes on and ran to the practice rooms. I heard a couple of the members shouting behind me but I was far too worried now.

I looked in every practice room and couldn't find her, until I got to the last one... She was peacefully sleeping on the couch and I couldn't help but smile. I slowly walked over to her and lightly shook her so she would wake up. She mumbled and covered her eyes because the room was so bright. She looked at me and I smiled even wider.

"What am I doing here?" She asked and I laughed.

"You fell asleep after practice, I was worried you know?" I said and her eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry!" She said loudly and hugged me, I laughed and so did a few people behind me. Seungmin, Chris and Changbin.

"You really fell asleep here?" Seungmin asked and she nodded.

"Seems like you practiced hard! We should get home and you should rest" Chris said and she nodded again with a beautiful smile.

The three of them headed home early while Y/N and me searched for her phone. We found it after a while, and it took longer because her phone was on silent.

"Thanks for coming to get me" She said quietly, as she was closing the door of the practice room.

"No need to thank me" I said and she smiled, I gently took her hand before I spoke again. "Just don't worry me like that again, okay?" I asked and she nodded, her face looking slightly pink.

"I will try my best" She said, and we smiled at each other.

We began walking back home together, it was really dark so Y/N put the flashlight on her phone so we could see a little better, since some of the street lights weren't working. We talked quietly as a couple cars drove past us. Soon enough, it began to rain, and quite heavily. I gave Y/N my jacket as she was wearing thin clothes. At first she refused to take it, but she gave in eventually.

After a couple wrong turns, we managed to get home. However we were drenched. We realised once we got to the door of the dorms that we hadn't parted hands. We slowly let go before walking in. As soon as we closed the door, we heard a gasp from behind us.

"You're both drenched! Go and change out of your wet clothes so you don't catch a cold" Hyunjin said and we nodded, running to our room to dry off and change.


As soon as we were warm and cosy, Jeongin suggested that we play mario kart, which I really like. We went and played quite a lot of games, until all of the members were asleep. We eventually wanted to do something else so after a bit of thinking we both agreed to watch anime. We watched a couple of episodes of my favourite anime, and made hot chocolates afterwards. Whilst drinking those, we talked quietly and he made me laugh a lot.

Soon enough thunder was booming whilst we were talking, I gripped onto my mug of hot chocolate because I'm scared of thunderstorms. After a moment, I felt Jeongin's hand gently touch mine to comfort me.

"Are you going to be okay sleeping alone tonight?" He asked. I was hesitant to answer but I shook my head.

"You can sleep in my bed if it'll help you sleep better okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Thank you" I said whilst a yawn escaped my mouth. I caused Jeongin to yawn too which made me laugh quietly.

The pair of us tidied our room since it was getting pretty messy, and after that Jeongin decided to put on some quiet music to distract me from the thunder outside. We both laid with a fair space between us, and eventually we both fell asleep.

The next afternoon...

Felix's POV

Since it was now the afternoon and neither Y/N or Jeongin had woken up, I decided that I'd go and wake them otherwise they'd miss the entire day. When I walked inside, I saw that they were both sleeping peacefully together. Y/N was hugging Jeongin slightly and he had a small smile plastered on his face. I decided to take a few pictures of them before waking them up. I lightly shook them to wake them up and they both groaned, rubbing their eyes because the room is bright. They looked at each other and virtually jumped off each other, turning into tomatoes. I laughed and they both glared at me.

"It's late, get up lazy people" I said and they both sighed.

I decided to not tell them about the pictures, as they could come in handy.

Once Y/N and Jeongin had woken up, we all decided to go out for the day. We walked to a lazer tag centre and we paid for a few rounds. Soon enough, we were hungry so we got food at a restaurant. We ate a lot and then we went go karting for the rest of the evening.

We walked home, and decided that we wanted to play truth or dare with snacks once we were home. We all changed into comfier clothes and then sat around in a messy circle, and spun a bottle to choose who would be the first person to give a truth or dare. It was Y/N.

"I choose Felix" She said and I laughed.

"Dare" I said and she smiled, thinking for a while and leaving us in silence.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive boy here" Everyone 'ooh-ed' and I sighed. I walked over to Changbin and quickly kissed his forehead. Minho and Jisung squealed like little kids but most of us remained mature. I sat back down and thought of my target.

"Jeongin" I said bluntly. His head snapped up and his eyes were wide, making everyone laugh.

"I choose dare" He said and I sighed, I didn't want to force them two together but it's getting frustrating for all of us now.

"Go and peck Y/N on the cheek" I said and everyone was shocked that I decided to do that.

"But Feli-" He whined and I shut him up.

"That or you have to explain the last pictures in my camera roll" I said and he looked confused, I showed him without the others seeing and he nodded. He quickly pecked Y/N on the cheek and everyone was cheering.

"Just get together already, we all know you both like each other" Seungmin said and they both were beetroot red.

"Leave them be, besides, there's a three year dating ban. We're not even past ours yet, and Y/N hasn't even debuted" Changbin said and we all sighed.

"We all know people don't care about the dating bans that much, as long as you don't get caught" Minho said, hugging Jisung and making everyone laugh.

"I'm pretty sure Y/N doesn't want to risk being kicked out of the company" Chris said and we all nodded.

We played till everyone had a truth and a dare. We all went to bed straight after that.


hey guys!

my updates are so random and i'm so sorry for not being able to stick to a schedule :) i wish i could!

thank you for the continued support for this!! i really appreciate it :)

i didn't think i'd finished this chapter earlier but i had, i'm already working on 15!! :)

please let me know if there are any typos in any of my chapters by dropping a message! :)

thank you for reading!

your author <3

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