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the next morning...

Felix's POV

Once I was awake, I went to the kitchen and Minho was already making food. I grabbed some for myself and immediately started eating. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to break it.

"Do you like Y/N or something?" I said bluntly, he turned around and didn't say anything. "Hello? Are you going to talk to me?"

"A little yeah, why?" He asked and I sighed.

"You know she likes Jeongin right? And that he likes her back? But after all these months they still aren't together yet?" I said and his eyes widened.

"I had no idea! Has everyone else known?" He asked and I nodded, he hit the counter in frustration.

"Don't damage our counters" Chris said as he walked in and Minho rolled his eyes.

"That makes a lot of sense now" Minho said and I nodded.

"What does?" Chris asked.

"He had no idea Jeongin and Y/N like each other" I said.

"Y/N likes me?"

Both Minho and Chris' eyes widened and I turned round to face Jeongin.

The next moment, there was a massive thud.


I woke up the next morning feeling really refreshed. I immediately noticed that I wasn't in my bed, and actually I was in Jeongin's. I jumped up and fell out of the bed, hitting my head against the wall, causing a giant thud. I rubbed the back of my head and moments later Jeongin rushed into the room.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked, his voice clearly worried sick.

"Of course! I just hit my head" I said and we both laughed a little, my head was still hurting though.

"I'll get you some ice for your head and breakfast, rest for a little while until you feel better, okay?" He said and I nodded, a big smile was plastered over both of our faces.

Jeongin's POV

I went back into the kitchen and got some ice and began making toast.

"Are you making Y/N toast?" Felix asked and I nodded, still smiling from seeing her smile. "That's really sweet" he added, which made look like a tomato.

"Why wouldn't you just make cereal? It's a lot quicker" Minho asked.

"Y/N's favourite breakfast food is toast" I said and I immediately saw Felix, Chris and Minho smile.

"You're just lazy Minho" Seungmin commented as he was walking into the room.

"So, what actually was that massive thud?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I heard that from mine and Hyunjin's room" Seungmin added, making himself cereal.

"Y/N fell and hit her head on the wall" I said and they all smiled.

"Seungmin, can you pour me some cereal too?" Minho asked and Seungmin sighed.

"Stop being lazy and do it yourself" Seungmin responded, putting the cereal back in the cupboard.

"Jeongin's already being a good boyfriend before asking her out!" Felix commented which made them all laugh, there was a little silence that was only filled by Minho pouring his cereal.

"So, does Y/N actually like me?" I asked, everyone seemed to think I had forgotten I heard anything because their eyes widened at my words.

"Yeah, she does, but you didn't hear that from anyone" Felix said, putting a finger to his mouth and I nodded. I couldn't contain the smile I ended up having.

"Now PLEASE just ask her out, you guys have liked each other since before you even met and it's getting tiring seeing you two still not together" Seungmin said, and everyone agreed.

"When the time is right, I will do it, okay?" I said and everyone nodded.

"If you need help, we're all here to help you" Chris said, patting me on the back, they all nodded and I smiled.

"Thank you" I said, before leaving with Y/N's ice and toast.


Once Jeongin had left, I began thinking about my feelings. Do I actually like Minho? Is it just because we've gotten to know many new sides of each other? All I knew in this moment is that my feelings for Jeongin were forever growing and undeniable, but I wasn't sure about Minho at all. My head was telling me to explore my feelings for Minho, but my heart was telling me that I only loved Jeongin. I said I LOVE Jeongin, and I'm not even sure if I LIKE Minho.

Before I could think about it anymore, Jeongin returned with a plate of toast and some ice. He held it to the back of my head whilst I ate the toast, which he made really well. He told me about Minho being too lazy to pour his own cereal, and Seungmin being mean to him, which made me laugh. Once I was done eating, I held the ice to my head and Jeongin moved the plate away from us.

"Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?" He said somewhat shyly.

"Yeah, of course, what is it?" I replied to him, I can't deny that I was somewhat nervous for what he was going to say.

"Do you happen to like Minho?" He said and my eyes widened, how comes he asked me? Did Felix tell him something?

"Can I ask why you're asking?" I said and he nodded.

"You spoke about him a lot when you told me about your night out, and you've been grocery shopping a few times together, so I thought it might be possible" He said, avoiding eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck.

"No I don't" I said before I could even think, I guess I answered my own debate. He smiled and nodded.

"It's just been bugging me so I'm glad I finally asked you" He said and I nodded, we smiled at each other and he helped me off the floor.  "Are you feeling okay?" He asked and I nodded.

I got myself ready for my practice today, this time I had practice on my own and without the others, and I was nervous. I mean, I don't have anyone I'm familiar with so this is going to be completely new to me.

An hour later, I was practicing with other staff assessing my progress. I was petrified and everyone in the dorm knew it when I left. I asked Felix and Chris to distract Jeongin from being worried about me as much as they can, and they said they would.

By the end of the day, I was so exhausted and lonely. Instead of going back to the dorms straight away, I curled up on a couch in the practice room just to rest for a little while.


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