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I came out of the bathroom ready to sleep tonight, I crawled into my bed and Jeongin came in with two glasses of water. I thanked him as he placed it beside my bed.

"I can't take this anymore" He said randomly, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, and he sighed.

"What is it?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it" I said and I looked at him frustrated.

"You always worry about me so I can worry about you, now tell me" I said and he nodded, there was a long silence before he spoke again.

"I just- I just can't stand how close we are" He said, surprising me a little bit, does he not want to be friends anymore? "It's not a bad thing being this close, It's just bad that we're this close as just friends" He said and I was more surprised than before.

"So what are you saying?" I asked, unsure if I believed my ears.

"Y/N I've liked you for months, I want us to be together" He said and I nodded.

"Me too, but the dating ban, I can't risk my career" I said and he nodded.

"I know, which is why I will wait for you" He said.

"Three years? You're 2 years through your ban, you might as well find someone else" I said and he shook his head, taking my hand.

"No one else is going to be the same as you, I will wait, just debut quickly" He said with a bright smile and I nodded.

"I will try my best" I said and he continued to look at me, he pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you Y/N, never forget that" He said and I blushed nodding.

"I love you too" I said quietly back, which made him smile brighter than ever, his smile caused me to smile.

"Let's rest, we have to practice tomorrow" He said and I nodded.

** the next morning **

I woke up earlier than Jeongin and got myself ready for a day of practicing. While I making pancakes for everyone, Seungmin came into the kitchen and helped me make them quickly. Everyone piled into the kitchen and had some pancakes.

We all left to practice, and I would be separate from Stray Kids today. I was meeting some of my back up dancers. Truth is, I know I'll be debuting in a couple weeks, but none of the others know that yet.

We all got along very well, and soon enough I was asked to go and record my title track. Surprisingly, I was done after a few long hours, and it sounded amazing. My track was then given to me so I could use it to try and choreograph parts of my dance. My choreographer and I came up with the chorus first, and soon enough, most of the choreography was made.

"We're a good choreography team" He said and I nodded. My back up dancers were learning their parts and we put it all together.

It got to 2am, and after so much hard work and a late dinner, we had all the choreography done and we could go home.

I got home and I was immediately greeted with Changbin, Jeongin and Seungmin.

"Where were you? You've been out so long!" Changbin asked and I laughed.

"I was just practicing, but we lost track of time" I said and they nodded.

"Did you eat?" Jeongin asked and I nodded.

"Of course" I said and he smiled.

"Now Jeongin can stop worrying, let's get to bed" Seungmin said and we all laughed.

I went to the kitchen to grab a snack and water, and everyone else went to bed. Chris came into the kitchen whilst I was eating.

"I know you're debuting in two weeks" He whispered and I almost spat my food out.

"How?!" I said in shock and he laughed.

"I'm friends with one of your backup dancers and he told me" He said and I sighed.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, why are you friends with everyone?" I said quietly and he laughed, patting my back.

"It's okay, I haven't told anyone, just tell everyone after practice tomorrow, they'll all be really happy for you" He said and I nodded.

"Thank you for not saying anything" I said and he smiled.

"No worries, now get some sleep" He said and I nodded.

"You too" I said back and he smiled.

I went to get ready for bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

** the next morning **

I woke up and quickly got myself ready for the day, I know I needed to leave earlier than Stray Kids today. I left a note telling them this and I told them I had already eaten. Truth is, I was picking up food on my way to practice. So I didn't completely lie.

Today, I was mostly recording the other two tracks on my mini album, but after that I was practising with my back up dancers. Were learning together really well and we have an amazing chemistry.

We finished earlier today, but still I got home later than the rest of them. I messaged Chris to keep everyone awake until I was back, and he managed to do it.

"I'm debuting in less than two weeks" I said and everyone jumped up and hugged me, shocked and happy for me. I looked at Jeongin who had teary eyes. He tried to wipe them away without me noticing but of course I did. I quickly hugged him and told him not to cry and he laughed at me.

"I'm so proud of you" He whispered as we hugged, I smiled and thanked him quickly.

"Keep working hard!" Jisung said and I nodded.

We all celebrated together and eventually we all made our way to bed.

** the day before debut **

Me and my backup dancers were finishing up with practice, knowing my debut is tomorrow slightly terrifies me, but it's also exciting. We were recording dance practices and also looking at comments on the teaser photos and videos! I was really happy with how things are going.

"So, do you have your own dorm?" One of the girls, Mae, asked me, I shook my head. "So who do you share with?" She asked and I smiled.

"Stray kids"

"Really? They're amazing!" She said and I laughed at her reaction.

"They really are"

We all went on break, and everyone besides myself left the practice room. Eventually one of my backup dancers came back in.

"How are you doing?" Ted asked and I nodded.

"I'm doing good, how about you?"

"Great" He said smiling, giving two thumbs up.

As I was going to leave the room to call Jeongin, I felt a hand on my wrist. I got spun around and smacked into Ted's body. I froze and he smiled, but the door opened, revealing Jeongin who had brought more food. He looked shocked and betrayed, and I knew me being incredibly close and personal with Ted is going to be hard to explain. He quietly turned and left, and I ended practice as soon as we had all gotten back to the room and practiced one more time. And I made sure Ted knew exactly how I felt about his actions.


hi guys!

i've planned the rest of the book! there's about 2/3 chapters left to go :( please tell me whether you'd like 2 or 3!!!

thank you for all the support :)

your author <3

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