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Jeongin's POV

So, it really is her...

Chris seemed to be suspicious of Y/N, so he will probably speak to me later.

I couldn't help but worry about her when she went pale, I was terrified something might happen to her. She had a look on her face when asking for one more song that you couldn't say no to.

She seemed fine through the entire song, and as I was walking to the couches I heard a thud. I immediately turned around and saw her laying on the floor, her phone bounced across the room and the phone case detached, I hope it hasn't smashed.

I quickly ran to her and saw she was breathing but not conscious. We called for an ambulance, and this startled JYP when he saw it arrive so he came up with the paramedics.

Whilst they were checking her, I quickly grabbed her phone and phone case, and realised something had fallen out of it. Me being curious, I opened it and read the terrible note.



i know where you live, you can't escape me, you are going to come home otherwise there will be consequences



Is this what she meant every time she didn't want to talk about things? I felt heartbroken knowing she has probably gone through a lot because of her Father.

I have to protect her...

"Did you push her too hard?" He asked, breaking my thought process, we shook our heads and I folded the piece of paper up again. I put the case on her phone and held onto the paper, I wanted to talk about this later.

"I think she pushed herself too hard, it's possible that she has done this for a while" Seungmin said and we all agreed.

"She must take care of herself, since she's staying in your dorms, pair yourselves in the dorm rooms tonight so she is with someone she'll be comfortable with" He said and we nodded.

We made our way to the hospital she was being taken to and sat in the waiting room for a long time. Everyone was talking about who the pairs would be.

"Let's do it somewhat randomly, okay?" Chris suggested.

"Somewhat?" Jisung asked and Chris explained.

"Since JYP requested Y/N to be with someone she's most comfortable with, I think she should be with Jeongin" He said and my eyes widened.

"Why not any of us?!" Felix said, pretending to be hurt, which made us laugh.

"He is closest in age to Y/N, and like she said earlier Jeongin is her bias, so it's probably the safest thing to do. They'll get the biggest room since they will need space and because it has two separate bathrooms so they won't be awkward with sharing one. Is that fair?" Everyone nodded at his explanation.

"As for the rest of us, we're drawing names" He continued, he asked for a piece of paper and a pen from reception and wrote their names down. Chris mixed them up and picked out the pairings.

Jisung and Minho
Seungmin and Hyunjin
Felix and Changbin
Chris has his own room

Well, this will be interesting.

Soon enough, a nurse walked over to all of us.

"Are you here for Hong Y/N?" She asked and we nodded.

"She was really dehydrated, so make sure she drinks and eats well once she is home. She has just woken up so you can go and see her, she's tired but we'll discharge her soon" She said and we nodded.

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