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two months later...


It has been a month since my Father was first incarcerated. Everyone that I have gotten to know under JYP has been so supportive and helpful with me and my recovery. I was allowed to only practice vocals whilst recovering as dancing would be too much for me to cope with.

Stray Kids introduced me to Dahyun and Tzuyu from Twice, who I got to know really well and helped me keep some of my wounds clean as the boys couldn't do that during promotions. Jackson stayed with me in their dorm some days, and even brought along the rest of GOT7 to keep me company. We had a lot of fun together and I was glad to have more friends under the company.

Now I am completely healed and back to full training, and my Father was imprisoned for life. After a lot of court cases he finally got what he deserves, I hope my Mom is proud of me. I won't ever have to see him again.

The only problem I have now is my terrifying nightmares of that night. I haven't told Jeongin about them because I know he will worry far too much, especially because they happen almost every night. Instead, Felix and Chris help me and I call them if one happens, we talk in the kitchen and they help me to calm down afterwards.

Tonight is one of those nights, I called Felix and he answered straight away. He said he'd be there quickly and before I could say a word he ended the call. I got out of bed and tripped over my shoes, I made a loud thud but I checked to see if Jeongin was still asleep and luckily he was. I got up carefully and went to the kitchen, talking to Felix. He reassured me that I was safe and nothing would happen to me, as well as calming me down.

Jeongin's POV

I woke up to a big noise but I didn't move in case someone was sneaking into our room. Instead, when I looked around I saw Y/N sneaking out of our room. After a minute I quietly got out of bed and tried to find her.

Soon enough, I heard muttering from the kitchen. I quietly went over to the kitchen so I could hear who and what was being said.

"Y/N remember he is in jail, none of this is going to happen again, okay? They're just nightmares, none of it is real" I heard Felix say quietly.

"But what if he escapes?" She replied quietly, sniffling. Has she been crying?

"Do you really think your Dad has the brain cells to escape?" He asked her and she laughed.

"You're right, he doesn't" She replied to him, "Any brain cells he did have he drowned in alcohol" she said making them both laugh, and me as well. Luckily they didn't hear me.

"Are you alright now?" He asked, I took a small step closer to make sure I could hear if Y/N said anything.

"Yeah, thank you so much" She said and then there was a small silence.

Before I had the chance to move or hide I was met with Y/N coming out of the kitchen, she looked at me with wide, puffy eyes and then looked down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her and she smiled weakly.

"I didn't want to worry you, I know how much you worry about me" She said and I smiled.

"I'm your friend, it's my job to worry about you" I said, calling her a friend really wasn't right anymore, I hated it. I wanted to call her mine...

"I know you worry more than you need to" She said and I sighed.

"I know I do and it's only because I care, but no more secrets? We've already had enough between us" I said and she nodded. I hugged her tightly and Felix smiled and winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he wouldn't be able to say anything back otherwise she would hear it.

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