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Jeongin's POV

"So, what's her name?" He asked me and I sighed but smiled. We spoke in English so that most of the other members wouldn't understand us perfectly.

"Y/N" I said quietly and he laughed.

"Do you know who her bias is?"

"At first she was ot8, but she now biases me" I said smiling wider and he smiled and ruffled my hair.

"You're so cute when you're in love" He teased and we both laughed. "What else do you know about her?"

"She's younger than me by a few months, she hasn't told me much about her family and she's recently moved from Busan to Seoul. She's planning to audition for JYP! I hope she passes, she is sending me covers for me to choose from, can I get your opinion too?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course you can, do you speak in Korean with her?"

"No we speak in English! She's fluent and helps me with my mistakes when I can't find you or Felix" I said and he nodded.

"That's really sweet"

Suddenly my phone sounded Y/N's text tone, I quickly grabbed it and read her message.

Y/N: Here are my covers! I hope you like them :)

Jeongin: Thanks for trusting me to help you! I'll listen now :)

Chris and I both sat and watched as she covered a few songs, and to be honest she was mesmerising! Chris laughed at how shocked I was and as soon as we finished watching them he spoke.

"She'll make it, she can choose any of those and she'll be in" He said, "She's going to be amazing, you picked a good one Jeongin"

I chose my favourite of her covers and told her to do that one. She thanked me and said she was going to sleep early since she needs a lot of rest to practice.

a couple days later...


The past couple of days I have been practicing constantly. I've still made time to talk to Jay and he tells me I don't need to practice this much. He wants me to look after myself and relax, which I do when I talk to him.

Today is the day of the audition, and I couldn't be more excited yet terrified for this. This is my make or break, I really hope I make it.

I talked to a few people around me, but most people were too nervous to talk for a long time. The room was mostly silent, except people turning paper and flicking through their lyrics, especially English covers.

Jay actually chose my favourite of my covers, which was When We Were Young by Adele. I love the song a lot so I put so much passion into it. Before I knew it, I was called and I had to perform.

My hands started shaking as I entered the room, they asked me a few questions and asked whether I have stage fright, which for a fact I don't.

"No I don't I love the idea of being on stage! I'm just nervous for the audition" I answered and they nodded.

"Start her song"

Time flew by and it felt like only seconds had passed when the song ended. I opened my eyes after singing to see a lot of blank faces, I immediately felt like I had done everything wrong.

"That was amazing, perfect even" One person said to reassure me before they all whispered to each other.

"Personally, I didn't like the performance that much" Another person said, I kept my smile on my face despite feeling a little bit upset.

"You're not here to judge her performance, you're here for the beauty standards" The first person said, and he nodded and smiled at me. That helped me feel better.

After a few more minutes of discussion, they finally reached a decision.

"Would you be okay to perform this to JYP now? We usually don't offer places in JYP this quickly but we think you're worth bringing into the company as soon as possible"

I was shocked and nodded, I had no words! Was I really that good? They made a phone call to him and around ten minutes later, JYP had come into the room with a happy face.

"Sir we would like to offer her a place immediately, but we need your consent so she has agreed to sing again"

He nodded and waved his hand to gesture staff to start the music. I performed with just as much enthusiasm as before and once I was done I saw him nod.

"Welcome to JYP Entertainment, please don't tell anyone you have passed the audition until the usual release of the results. As for training, please come back at 8am in 2 days" He said and I nodded, I thanked him and we shook hands. "Now, I must go back go assessing Stray Kids, see you soon Y/N"


hi guys!

so the chapters keep getting longer in what i've already prewritten (up to chapter 12 is written right now!)

i'm sorry that they're so different in length but i hope you're still enjoying! (let me know by voting) :)

thank you!

your author <3

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