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recap from the last chapter is underlined :)


straystay: yeahh! it's weird huh?

skzglow: it's really cool though!!!

straystay: definitely! :D

"Y/N!" My Father screamed from downstairs, I jumped out of my skin and listened for him to talk again. "Get down here and make me dinner"

I sighed and ended my conversation with Jay.

skzglow: okayy i have to go :( i'll talk to you asap!

straystay: okay! look after yourself Y/N

skzglow: you too Jay :)

I quickly ran downstairs, scared of being shouted at again, but it was too late.

"Why weren't you down here immediately?!" He asked, before I could answer I earned a slap across my face.

I held my cheek whilst responding, "I was finishing my work" I lied, he huffed before shouting again.

"None of your work is more important than doing what I say Y/N, you understand?" He growled, I nodded in fear.

"I want dessert too, so hurry up" He said clearly annoyed, grabbing yet another bottle of alcohol from the cupboard.

I started cooking, listening to Stray Kids in my earphones so I wouldn't be scolded for playing my music.

My life consists of school, where I keep to myself. I don't want to talk to anyone as I won't be able to maintain friends anyway. The next thing is work. I have two jobs, one in a coffee shop and another in a convenience store. I go straight from school to work 4 hours in either job, and i do 4 hours in each job on Saturday. My only day free is Sunday. Once I am home on Monday-Saturday, I attempt to do my homework, but Sunday gets filled up with the rest of my work anyways. I have my Father telling me to clean up his mess and constantly cook, prepare and buy things for him, so I stay up really late finishing homework. I complete my assignments in the early hours of the morning. I don't sleep or eat much anymore, I simply don't have the time.

Of course I have been trying to leave, and I don't even have my Mom to help me. According to everyone else, she committed suicide when I was 7 years old. At least, that's what everyone else thinks, because that's not what I saw.

I myself, witnessed my Dad hang her after forcing her to write a note. My Dad killed my Mom, and I still live under his roof. He doesn't know I know. I wasn't supposed to know. Sometimes I think about how if I never came downstairs to try and get comfort from my Mom because I had a nightmare, I would never have known the truth. The next morning, my Dad tried to feed me the lie he told everyone. I couldn't speak up out of fear, I was only a child after all.

I can't afford to leave, otherwise I'll probably lose my life too. He uses me for money and to do so the chores.

The only thing my Mom wanted me to do is to take care of myself. She believed in me, and I want to make her proud.

I finished cooking dinner and gave it to my Father, he grabbed it from me and ate while drinking. I made dessert while he was eating dinner and gave it to him when he asked.

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