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I ran back to the dorms and virtually ran to mine and Jeongin's room. When I walked in, I saw him listening to music whilst sitting on his phone. He had both his earphones in and didn't notice I came into the room.

I sat down on his bed and he glanced up at me, I could tell he was hurt and angry. I sighed as he looked away back to his phone. I tried to talk to him but his music was too loud, so I decided to take out one of his earphones. I knew it would annoy him but I couldn't leave this be.

"What do you want?" He snapped which made me flinch.

"I just wanted to talk" I said quietly and he nodded.

"Well I don't want that" He said, going to put his earphone back in, but I stopped him.

"Just let me explain, please?" I said and he sighed.

"Explain what? The only reason you wanted to wait for your dating ban to be over was so you could get with one of your backup dancers?" He said, tears brimming his eyes. I teared up myself just looking at him.

"No! It's not like that! I didn't see him doing that ever and I've never had any interest in him!" I almost shouted.

"Sure" I said bluntly, which hurt to hear.

"Jeongin I love you, don't you remember me saying that?" I asked him and he nodded slowly.

"Well I meant that, I just truly didn't want to risk my future. I want to achieve my dream and I've been working so hard for it for as long as I can remember. Ted obviously had an interest in me that I never saw coming. I would rather die than lose you, please, just trust me and believe that I really don't want him and I want to wait for you?" I said, not realising that I was crying till I had stopped talking. He softly wiped away my tears and brought me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions, I love you to Y/N, and I'd rather die than lose you too" He said and I smiled widely.

"I'm tired" I said whilst yawning, which made him giggle.

"You need to rest, tomorrow is the big day!" He said and I smiled.

"It really is" I said and he was smiling too.

"Sleep well, you'll need a lot of energy tomorrow" He said and I nodded. I got into my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Jeongin's POV

Once I knew she had fallen asleep, I quietly left the room to meet the other members. We were doing to decorate the dorm with party decorations, and we are going to have a debut party for Y/N. Me and Chris came up with the idea together, and we still had to decide what food to get.

We discussed food quietly as we finished decorating. We gave the list to Changbin and Seungmin to get once we were done. We tidied up the mess we made decorating and then they went to get the food.

After half an hour they came back with all the food and we put it all out on our table. We set up pillows and blankets around the TV so we could watch her debut music video the moment it comes out. It had gotten to 11:30am and she still hadn't woken up yet, which shows how tired she was. I left her a note telling her to take her time getting ready and to have a good day. I made breakfast for her and soon enough she came out of the room with messy hair and her eyes weren't fully open.

"Good morning" I said, giving her the breakfast I made.

"More like good afternoon" Seungmin said and I laughed, she laughed too.

"Thanks for that anyways" She said and he smiled. "And thank you for making breakfast" She said and I ruffled her hair.

"This is a big day! You have to have a lot of fun" I said and she laughed and nodded.

"Of course"

We continued to talk until she finished her food, I told her to get ready and she happily skipped off to go and get ready.

After 45 minutes, she came out of the room and was trying to find us. We all hid around the main room, she walked in and gasped when she saw all the decorations and lunch food. We all jumped out and she jumped too in shock.

"Surprise!!" We all shouted and she laughed. We all crowded round for a group hug and she thanked us all for the surprise.

"It was all Jeongin and Chris' idea really, we just helped organise everything" Hyunjin said and I smiled.

We all talked about weird and crazy things until all the food was gone, and after a lot of games of Mario Kart, my debut was about to happen. I suddenly got really nervous but Jeongin lightly held my hand to comfort me, and it worked.

As soon as it hit 6pm, everyone was frantically refreshing YouTube on the TV for my music video, and the second it came up they al screamed and clicked on it. They all loved it and were so happy for me. I cried because of how supportive everyone has been and some of the others cried too. They all insisted that we listen to the rest of the mini album and we all commented on little bits about each song.

Once we were done, my stomach was rumbling and Jeongin noticed.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" He asked quietly and I immediately blushed.

"Is this a date, Jeongin?" I whispered and he slapped his hand over his mouth.

"I didn't mean for it to sound like that! But now you've said that, yes it is, get yourself ready!" He said and I laughed.

I changed into a cute turtleneck sweater and skirt (see picture). I made myself more presentable and found Jeongin once we were both done. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt. We left together, hiding with a mask over our faces and got some food at a nice pizza place. I was going to pay but Jeongin insisted that he pay because it was my day.

After we had eaten, we took a walk by the Han river, we didn't talk a lot but we had nice, small conversations whilst enjoying the view. We sat down on a bench and watched the sunset. I rested my head on Jeongin's shoulder and he took my hand and held it, he squeezed it gently and I squeezed back. I looked up and him and he was smiling just as much as I was.

"Today was really nice, perfect even. Thank you for everything" I said, sitting up and looking directly at him.

"It's okay Y/N, you deserved every moment to be perfect, so I'm glad I could make it perfect" He said and I nodded.

"Anything will be perfect as long as you're there with me" I said and he smiled a lot. I got caught up looking at him smiling, and seeing his eye smile beam.

He ended up just looking back at me, both of us now just admiring each other. Neither of us wanted to look away, so we just continued to look at each other. It may seem awkward, but for us it was a comfortable moment.

Jeongin then moved closer and I was completely stunned by his actions, he put his hand around the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. At first I was too shocked to react, but I eventually melted into the kiss and we soon broke apart.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" He said sighing but I quickly shook my head.

"No you should have, I'm kind of glad you did" I said and he laughed.

"Let's head home" He said and I nodded, he took my hand and we walked back home.

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