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a few days later...

Jeongin's POV

Both me and Y/N have been really busy so we've only spoken a little the past few days. But today I have more time to myself, I hope she isn't busy today since we were getting along well.

straystay: Are you busy?

skzglow: Nope! Nothing scheduled today how about you?

straystay: I'm free! We can talk today :D

skzglow: I just thought... since Korean is your first language would you prefer to talk in Korean?

straystay: I'd like to practice English, so if I get stuck I will ask you for help!

skzglow: I'll be happy to help you! When is your birthday? You haven't put it on your account :/

I froze, what do I say?! I quickly called Chris.

"My mutual asked for my birthday! What do I say?" I said freaking out, he laughed.

"Say your actual birthday! It won't matter, I did it too! No one can help when they are born anyways" He said laughing.

"Thank you, see you later" I said and ended the call.

straystay: February 8th! I see your birthday is August 8th :D

skzglow: You have the same as Jeongin's! That's so cute :D

I laughed but couldn't say anything otherwise my cover.

straystay: coincidence huh?

skzglow: definitely! anyways, I think i've picked a bias for the time being :D

straystay: Who????

skzglow: guess!

straystay: aaahh

straystay: felix?

skzglow: nope! try again :)

straystay: chris??

skzglow: nooope

straystay: hyunjin???

skzglow: come onn!

straystay: i give up!

skzglow: ugh fine :D it's jeongin :)

I smiled knowing I am her favourite now, It made me want to tell her but I knew that I couldn't.

straystay: ooohhhhhh! what made you choose him?

skzglow: hmmm a lot of things :D

skzglow: his voice! he's improved so much since debut and I love every moment I hear it :D

skzglow: his smile too :) braces or no braces it's really REALLY cute

skzglow: he's really funny and makes me laugh when i'm down

skzglow: his laugh is cute too :)

skzglow: i think i've said too much :D

straystay: that's so cute!!

I've never heard someone say such nice things about me. It means even more knowing they're not just saying it because they know it's me!

skzglow: as you can tell i love him a lot :D

I felt heat rush to my cheeks reading that.

straystay: awwwh! so so cute Y/N

skzglow: stop!! now they're touring i hope they'll come to some smaller venues in Seoul

straystay: so they do meet and greets?

skzglow: yeah! i want to meet them all, and thank them for everything they've helped me through :) especially jeongin these past few days

straystay: what's happened??

skzglow: id rather not talk about it, i'm still currently dealing with it but once it's over i might tell you :)

straystay: i understand, just tell me when you're comfortable, i'm here for you :)

skzglow: thank you so much for being here and understanding :)

straystay: it's okay, it's what friends are for :)

skzglow: i really appreciate it :D

skzglow: random question, what year are you?

"No one can help when they're born" Chris' words echoed in my mind.

straystay: 01, how about you?

skzglow: 01 too! that means you're older than me :D

skzglow: wait you're born exactly on Jeongin's birthday?! such a blessing :D

straystay: yeahh! it's crazy huh?

skzglow: yeah it's really cool though!!!

straystay: definitely! :D

skzglow: okayy i have to go :( i'll talk to you asap!

straystay: okay! look after yourself Y/N

skzglow: you too Jay :)

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