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three weeks later...

Jeongin's POV

Today is the day of our comeback, and I can't wait for Y/N to see it and tell me what she thinks! However, she hasn't replied to me for 10 days, and I can't help but worry about her, like a lot. It's been affecting my practice too, everyone is worried about me and thinks I am not getting enough rest. I know what the real problem is, but I haven't told anyone else.

I've fallen for Y/N and I can't stop thinking about her, especially because she's been gone so long.

The one thing I probably shouldn't have done, is fallen for a fan through, but we're both such good friends now! Hopefully she will to get into JYP and then maybe we can meet.

The one problem I have is telling her who I am. I want to tell her so badly, but she will probably never talk to me again. I'm keeping a huge secret, and at first the guilt went away. But that was before I fell for her. Now, it's worse than ever.

I have too many emotions and I can't handle them all. I don't want to tell my other members about it otherwise they will be angry at me and Chris for making Twitter accounts. But if I tell Chris he'll probably be mad at me for falling for Y/N...

"Hey Jeongin, are you okay? we need to practice now" Hyunjin asked me and I snapped into reality.

"Of course I'm fine!" I said laughing, making everyone look at me strangely. "Let's just practice" I said quieter and they nodded. I can tell they're all keeping an eye on me.

After a few practices of our new title track, I heard my phone ding. Y/N and I swapped to iMessage a couple weeks ago so I set her contact to have a different sound. It was her sound.

I ran to my phone and picked it up, reading her message.

Y/N: Jay I am so so sorry that I haven't been talking, I'm sorry for how much I've worried you :( I've just finished moving to Seoul safely!! I will be swapping my phone number to *********** and later today I am going to record some covers of songs that I have chosen for my audition, can you help me pick one?

I smiled before typing my reply.

Me: I'm so glad you've moved safely :) of course I will help you pick a song! I'll save your number now :) I can't talk long because I have a busy day, watch stray kids' comeback later!

Y/N: of course!! talk soon <3

Me: <3

I quickly put my phone down and the rest of Stray Kids looked at me fascinated.

"That's the fastest you've ever ran in your life" Felix said and everyone laughed.

"What got you moving so fast Jeongin?" Seungmin asked and I sighed, I need an excuse...

"An old friend recently got in touch, but we're both super busy so I need to take any chance to talk with them" I lied, I think they bought it because they just moved on and got back into position for one final practice.

Chris gave me a funny look though, so maybe not everyone.

I wonder why she swapped her number... I must ask her later.

After practice


Me: No don't cry!!!!


Me: Okay, okay, just don't cry too much :)

Y/N and I talked for hours, and it was amazing. Hyunjin called me for dinner and I said I had to go to Y/N. We said goodbye and I went for dinner.

"What's made you so smiley Jeongin?" Hyunjin asked me, I had no idea I was even smiling. I shrugged in response.

"I guess I'm just happy" I said and he smiled back.

I sat between Minho and Chris, I saw him messaging a mutual under the table and lightly kicked his foot to make him stop.

"We need to talk" He whispered seriously, what does he want to talk about? I tried to pretend he said nothing and continued to eat, but I couldn't stop thinking about it, probably because my mind has been racing for the last ten days anyway.

Before I knew it, we had eaten our food and Chris virtually dragged me to my room with everyone staring at us. He shut the door and looked at me, as if he was expecting me to speak.

"What?" I asked and he sighed.

"Who were you actually talking to earlier?"

"Chris it's-"

"I'm not going to be mad, okay? Stop worrying"

"A mutual"

"Just as I expected" He said with a small smile, "So, who have you fallen for?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I haven't fallen for her!" I whisper shouted and he laughed, he knew I had just lied through my teeth.

"Look, they way you looked at your phone and smiled in the practice room showed pure love, so just admit it Jeongin"

"Okay, maybe I have fallen..."

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