Easter Special: Little Bunny~

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Tyler's POV~

It was Easter Day and I woke up, still sleepy, but who doesn't still feel sleepy in the morning. Anyway, I went to look around the house. Not for my basket. For food. So I looked around and still ended up finding my basket, which made me a bit happy. Don't judge me. I am a child at heart and still love holiday traditions. Anyway, I started to make some eggs. Afterwards, I put the eggs in the microwave and made pancakes too. I made a lot, so i put some in the microwave and started to eat some. After I was done, I cleaned the dishes and looked at my phone to see that Axel was coming to the house. I went to the door and opened it. Axel was already here about to knock. He smiles and then hugs me close and does what I call his "Daily Nuzzles." Once he was done, he picked me up and took me to his bike. He gave me the other helmet and we rode to his house. When we got there, I saw kids were playing around and having fun. I then ask him "Are these your cousins or something?" He nods and says "Yeah, we always have our cousins come over." We then see Axel's parents come down.

(Image cropped for safety purposes

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(Image cropped for safety purposes. Also his name is Alan.)

(Mother's name is Arianna

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(Mother's name is Arianna. Also, before you ask, this image seemed safer than the other, so please don't report me)

Axel's mother came down and said hi. She shook my hand with a bright smile. Axel's father gave me a bone-crushing hug. His mother then said "Axel, shouldn't Tyler be at his home for Easter." I shake my head and said "Don't worry, my Easter is usually uneventful." They both nod and his father said "Well, as long as your here, have fun. A friend of our child is family to us." They both then leave and started talking to what I assume is their brother's and sister's. AKA, the parents to all these children. I feel Axel's arms wrap around me as he pulls me into his chest. He then whispers in my ear "Don't worry. You'll actually become part of the family eventually." I push him away and said "Keep dreaming. It won't happen." He chuckles and said "It will." I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. Axel sat beside me, but picked me up and placed me on his lap. I then said with an unamused face "Really?" He laughs and nods before licking my cheek. Alex soon came and sat by us. I said hi to her as she laughed, seeing me in Axel's lap. I couldn't help but blush, a little embarrassed. We talked for a little while and Alex went to get some snacks for us. When she left, one of the kids came up to me and asked "Are you Axel's friend?" I was about to answer, but Axel smiled and said to her "Actually, He is my future husba-" "FRIEND!!!" I interrupted with a slight blush. I then said to the kid "Yes, I'm his friend." Axel then says to the kid. "Yup, he my cute little bunny~" she smiles and plays with the others. I let out a sigh and asked "Why do you always do this?" He chuckles and said "Why do you care? It's going to happen." I then said with a bit of irritation "Why are you delusional?" He then said with a smile and a wink "I'm not delusional. I'm going to make it happen." I let out another sigh as Alex comes back into the room. She sets down a plate of pretzels and we started eating. We started to play Mario Kart 8 on Axel's Switch. Alex won most of the rounds. After awhile of playing, their parents then announced and Easter Egg hunt. All the kids went outside and grabbed baskets. When everyone got one, they all raced out and started to search for eggs. I just watched as the kids scurried around, trying to find eggs. Axel looked at me and said "I can't wait to see the day our child does the same." I then say to him "What child? We're not getting married and I'm not adopting a child." Axel then said "Why not? It'll be hard, but I bet we can raise them and they'll be successful." I then say "I am not adopting children." He sighs and says "Just wait. I'll make sure it happens and that we'll become a happy family." I just ignore him and keep watching. Once all the eggs were picked up, they all opened them and looked to see what all they found. I watched with amusement as some of the kids opened theirs to see small toys, candy, money, and so on. After they were done, I went into the living room. I sat on the couch and Axel sat beside me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pull me towards him. I blushed a little. After a bit, we see a flash and look to see Axel's mom holding a camera. She smiles and said "This one is definitely a keeper." My blush deepens more as Axel just laughs and kisses my head. I cross my arms with a really red face and he lays his head on mine. He then says with a small smile "I love you." I then say "Keep dreaming." He picks me up and we head into his room. He takes out a bag and hands me it. I take it out and see a pair of... Bunny ears? I looked in the bag and pulled everything out to see a full on bunny outfit! (Up there^^^) I blush red and said "You don't actually expect me to where this, do you?!" He smiles and nods his head. I give it to him and said "I'm not wearing it." He smiles and says "Do I have to put it in you?" I sigh and take the outfit. A few minutes later, I come back out wearing the outfit. He looks at me with a slight blush and smile and said "You look adorable!" My blush darkens and he picks me up. He takes me out to the dinner table, and I hide my face in embarrassment. The father and mother then say "Don't hide your face Tyler. We made Axel wear the same thing once." I pictured it in my mind and got a good laugh out of it. We all ate and had a good time that I forgot I was even wearing it. By the time we were done eating, I went into the other room. I was on the couch and watching some things on YouTube. Axel soon showed up and held up a box of Uno cards. Alex played with us too and we played until it was late. Axel's parents along with Axel and Alex were saying goodbye to all their cousin as they left. Once they all left, it was quiet. I was going to his room and Axel asked "What are you doing?" I then said "Changing so I can go home." Axel shook his head and said "No your not." He picked me up and took me to his room. He laid down on the bed and put me beside him. I then said "If I'm staying the night, can I at least take off this outfit. He then say no and I asked why. He then said "For the role play." I looked at him confused and asked "What role play?" He smiled and hugs me close and says "The role play of the loving wolf who takes care of their cute little bunny." He held me close to him and then fell asleep. I put my head on his chest and cuddle close for comfort. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep with the warmth that radiated off him.

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