Chapter 17: Aftermath

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Axel's POV~

I walk to the hospital. I had to talk to the police about the situation as my rage broke Eric's arm. They understood the situation and sent me home. Eric's arm was put in a cast, but he was sent to Juvenile Detention for violently assaulting another student. That student being Tyler. I walk into the hospital room and see the nurse. She looks at me and asks "You must be Axel, right?" I nod. She motions me to follow her. I follow and find myself in an empty room with a sofa. Must be the worker's lounge or counseling place.

"Tyler told me a lot about you. How much you love him and want to be with him. And that you've done a lot for him." I nod my head. She then says "However, he also said that you disturb him. He says that he feels like your presence is suffocating."

My eyes widen. He didn't show any signs of being disturbed. He never told me honestly that I was  going too far in showing my affection. If it's what Tyler wants, then I need to tone down my affection a bit.

The nurse brings me back to reality. "I suggest you try to separate yourself from him for awhile." I nod my head. I need to have self control. It's for Tyler. Though, thinking about the fact that I have been disturbing Tyler makes me a little upset. I'm not gonna lie. It hurts knowing he didn't even feel comfortable around me enough to tell me.

I walked back to Tyler's room with the nurse. She left me there and I just sat beside him. I brushed the hair out of Tyler's eyes. My eyes start to well up in tears. "I'm sorry, Tyler." I soon left. I'm probably not the first person he wants to see when he gets up. I left in a hurry. I accidentally bumped into someone, but didn't bother looking to see who it was. I quickly apologized and continued my way home.

Jake's POV~

I was walking to the hospital to go visit Tyler. He's been constantly tired for about a month after the incident with Eric. I'm glad he's in Juvie though. He really deserves it after the beating he gave Tyler.

As I was walking in the hospital, a familiar wolf runs into me. However, Axel didn't seem happy. Usually he's happy after seeing Tyler. This time, he doesn't. I wonder why.

I go into Tyler's room and look at him. Seeing those bruises and scars on him fills me with rage. If I was Axel, I would've done the same. I walked into the room. I looked at the psychiatrist's report from when they took Tyler in for a bit of counseling. According to the report, he's likely to have PTSD. I can see why though. I don't know much about his past, but this is likely one of the worst incidents. I then see one other thing that catches my attention. There's a side note. This note reads "Slightly disturbed by another student, not the attacker."

Unfortunately, I bet I know who it is. The way Axel was reacting was off, so the nurse must have told him who it was. I don't think any of us saw the disturbed part of him. I walk out of the building and contact Axel. He doesn't reply so I try calling him instead. It just leads to voicemail, so he's most likely not in the best of moods. I can understand why though. Finding out that the one you love is more disturbed by you than liking you back is tough to hear. Axel is strong, so I hope he can pull through.

Tyler's POV~

I woke up in the familiar hospital bed. I see a plate of cut up steak and start to eat. The doctor comes in a few minutes after I'm done eating. "Tyler, you've been healing nicely for awhile. Tomorrow, you will be able to go back to school." I nod my head and thank the doctor for all he's done.

It'd be nice to see someone right now. I was expecting to see a particular wolf when I awoke. I was expecting him to give me a tight hug and nuzzle my cheek. I honestly feel like I'm hoping for it. Though, it does feel a little awkward sometimes. But at the same time, it feels a little nice sometimes.

I get up and call my parents. My mom picked me up from the hospital. "You ready to head back to school tomorrow?" I nod my head. My dad continues. "Be sure to study a lot, but don't strain yourself. It's been a month since you went to school, so you've missed quite a bit." I nod my head and say "I have a few friends that can fill me in on the stuff I missed." My dad nods and says "Good. It's nice to have friends you can rely on." I nod my head again.

Once we got home, I went to my room. I lied down on the comfy bed and get myself comfortable. It didn't take long before I was out like a light.

Le timeskip~

I got myself ready for my first day back. I put on some good clothes that my parents got me while I was at the hospital. They were definitely my style of clothes, which is rare in their case. I walk outside and wait for a little bit. I was expecting Axel to come here and pick me up. That was our daily routine, usually. He must be sick today.

I wait for the bus and get on. I put in my headphones on, then laid my head against the window. After a 30-minute drive, we were at the school. I definitely liked riding with Axel better. I ran to Jake, who was heading inside. We were both talking and he was glad to see me up again. I already know that Eric was sent to Juvenile Detention, so I know I didn't have to worry about it.

I head to my first class and see Axel. However, he was in a different spot than usual. I sat in my usual seat and look at Axel. I wave to him and say hi. He just smiles and says hi back. That was really unexpected. Usually, the moment Axel sees me, he tackles me into a hug. Not this time though. Maybe he's sick. I don't understand why he's so distant from me though. It honestly kind of hurts, to be honest.

As the day proceeded and I greeted my friends that I missed while I was at the hospital, Axel kept a distance. I sat on the roof with my friends to eat lunch. I was hoping Axel would come here and let me sit on his lap. I kind of missed laying my head against his soft chest. Axel didn't come here though, which made me upset. It seems like he's avoiding me. He was my first friend here, why isn't he associating with me? This is the first day I get back from the hospital, and the friend I usually hang out with keeping a distance. It honestly hurts.

As school finished up, I head to go outside and ride home with Axel. I go out to see Axel's bike, but it wasn't there.

Jacob heads over to me and offers me a ride home with him. I nod and he takes me back home. I thank him and head inside. I enter my home to be greeted by my mom. "So, how was my baby's first day back?" I smile and say "It was great! I missed all my friends, so it was really nice to see them again." She nods and says "We're having tacos for dinner." I nod and head upstairs to my room.

I try calling Axel, but I don't get a reply. What is it with him? Did he lose interest in me? Does he not love me anymore? Thinking about it almost makes me want to cry. I feel that the person that I missed the most out of everyone... was Axel.

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