Chapter 15: Security Guard

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(I said I would. Sorry for pranking all of you. Love you all!)

Tyler's POV~

I get up in the morning as usual. I got all my stuff packed for school and started to walk there. I hope Axel didn't somehow overhear me and Jake talking. Then my life would be ruined and I'd be forced to go to a different school, all because of that stupid cat. I put my hood up and start to walk to the school. I hear a motorcycle and look to my left. At the side of the road is Axel. Looking at me with his love filled eyes as usual. "Hey Tyler! How about I take you to school? It's a lot faster." I didn't respond and just shook my head no. He just says "Okay." I expected him to just continue on without me, but that's not what he did. He just rode his bike very slowly beside me. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid that cat was watching us from somewhere. I just started to walk faster, but he rode it faster. I sighed and said "Fine." He smiled and patted the spot behind him. I sighed and sat in the said spot. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around him and he began to drive to the school. As soon as we got there, I instantly got off and started to walk to the school at a fast pace so he couldn't catch up. But what can I say other than furries are normally faster than humans. He was by my side in seconds. We went to our lockers, well at least I thought he did. I turned around and saw him still there. I walked past him, but he grabs my arm and leads me to his locker. On the way there, I pass by that cat, who again glares daggers into my soul. I gulp nervously and try to pull away, but Axel is and always will be stronger than me. He leads me to his locker and grabs and puts away his stuff. While he was doing that, I try to walk away, but he then said "Don't even think about walking off. Not until I'm done." I just stay in place. He then closes his locker and we head to class. I try to go further than him, but he remains at my side. I get that he loves me, but yesterday, he seemed distant. He might've been hurt. But why today? We go to the classroom and I sit in my new spot in the corner of the classroom. He walks to this girl in our class. She blushes and quickly nods. He smiles at her and walks toward me. At least, I thought it was. He sat beside me. That's when I realized. The person he talked to was the person who sits next to me. I look behind him and see the car glaring at me. I quickly look away. I get up and go to talk to Nathan. He's the drum major for our school's marching band. I walk up to him and ask him a question. "Hey, do you think you and I can change seats?" He smiles at me and says "Sorry, but I have my band friends nearby, and I'd really like to talk with them." I nod and go to talk to someone else. However, Axel picks me up and places me back in my seat. He then says "You should stay in your seat, class is about to start." I gulp nervously and look at Eric, who gives me sharp glances every once in awhile. Jake enters the class and I quickly walk up to him. "Can you and I please trade places?" Jake shakes his head and said "Nope." He walks me to my spot and whispers "You shouldn't let someone get in the way of your friendships. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." I nod and stay in my seat. I look at Axel who smiles at me. I gulp again and look at Eric. I look and see Jake sits right behind him! This cannot be good.

Axel's POV~

I can tell Tyler is uncomfortable, but I'm not risking my future husband getting hurt again. I keep seeing Tyler looking in a certain direction, but never know who it is. As soon as class was done, we head to Tyler's locker to grab his lunch. He opens his locker and a piece of paper falls out. He goes to grab it, but I pick it up and read it. My expression went from calm to furious. The note said "I told you to leave him alone. Do you really want your life to be hell? Because if it continues, I swear, I'll make it worse than hell." I rip up the paper and throw it away. I grab Tyler's arm and we head to our favorite eating spot. The roof. I sit there and set Tyler on my lap. I nuzzle my face into his neck. So, so cute. Nearly the whole day, Tyler has said absolutely nothing to me. I then ask "Tyler, do you have a certain field of work you plan on taking?" Tyler nods and says "I want to do something art related. Like animation, digital art, or something." I nod and say "I plan on going for something you wouldn't think I'd do." He nods and asks "What is that?" I smile and say "I plan on designing clothing for young adults like us. Teenagers. Specifically guys, obviously." Tyler then says "I'd never imagine you doing something like that." I nod and say "Yeah, but at the same time, I want to be a something better." Tyler gives me a weird and confused look and asks "And what is that?" I smile and hug him. I nuzzle into him and say "The best husband you can ask for." He rolls his eyes and says "Keep dreaming." I chuckle and say "Trust me. I do everyday." Then something I wanted to see in a long time happened. He smiled. That smile was making melt by the second. I don't know why, but the smile now seems better from before. I love that smile so much. I hugged him tighter, my tail wagging like crazy. "I love you, Tyler! So damn much!" He blushes and I just keep nuzzling him. I'm proud to be his security guard. Even if he didn't want me to. I'm just so glad he's here with me. I laid backwards making him fall down with me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He was still a blushing mess, but I could care less. I have my Tyler with me, and I'm happy now.

Eric's POV~

I told that bastard that he'd get it. And he will. Pathetic humans. I'll make sure Axel realizes that I'm better for him than he'll ever be.

Jacob's POV~

I knew it. The damn cat is the one who hurt Tyler. You might be wondering how I know. I saw him glaring needles through Tyler's head. I saw him write the letter too. I know now that it's him. After school, I go home and contact Axel. "Hey dude." Axel didn't take long to reply "Hey, any progress." I respond and say "Yes, a lot. As in I know who did it." Axel very quickly responds "Who?!" I then say "I was right. That damn cat, Eric. He was the one who did it." I didn't have to call him to know he was angry. I'd be too if that happened to my crush. I mean, I'm definitely angry. He hurt my friend. I would hurt him too, but I won't engage in violence unless needed. Even though he does deserve it. Axel then says "He said he'd make Tyler's life worse than hell. But now that I know who did it, I'll make their life worse than the underworld and hell combined. He'll pay for hurting my Tyler." I tried to text back, but he was already offline. It makes me wonder, what's going to happen tomorrow.

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