Chapter 19- Together

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Axel's POV~

I'm so happy!!! I've never been happier in my entire life! I keep fangirling to myself! I hold Tyler closer to me, making sure he doesn't go away. I keep on nuzzling my cute little boyfriend!

That's right! You heard me! Tyler's finally mine! All mine! I can't help myself! He's so cute, smart, adorable, and just overall amazing! I continue to nuzzle into him, feeling his arms trying to push me away, but my happiness overcomes his determination as I hold onto him tighter.

"Mmmm~ I love you so much Tyler! Forever and ever! I promise to protect you with my life!" I say in excitement.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Can you please loosen your grip?" He says, continuing to push me away from him. But I can't help myself. I just want to continue holding him and making sure he's safe by my side. I continue to nuzzle and hug him. "Axel, please?" I sigh and loosen my grip, but still hold him close to me.

Now, I bet you're wondering how this happened. Well, here's basically what happened.


I woke up and see my cute little Tyler sleeping next to me. I smiled and held him closer to me. I sigh in content that he's by my side again. I was hurting inside from the fact I felt that I needed to stay away. I'm so glad we're back to being friends again, even if I want to be more than that.

A little bit after I hold him close to me, he wakes up himself. He stretches and yawns. I smiled down at him. "You have a good sleep?" He nods his head and nuzzles into my chest, making my smile widen.

"I always have a good sleep when I get to nuzzle into something as soft as your fur." I chuckle when he said this. I hugged him close and pet his head. He just accepted it and continued to nuzzle into me.

After about 15 minutes of extra cuddling, we both finally got up and started to get ready for the day. Thankfully we don't have school, so I have him for the whole day. I thought of something and decided to pick on Tyler.

"Hey Tyler?" He looks up at me asking what I wanted. "Do you like my fur?" He nods. "Do you like cuddling with me?" He nods again. I continue to ask a series of questions, making him a bit mad. It to the point where he'd almost yell the answer.

I then said one last thing. "I love you~" Tyler still a little agitated said back "I LOVE YOU TOO!" My eyes widen. Tyler realized what he said covered his mouth, blushing. I smirk and walk over to Tyler as he backs up and falls on the bed. I pin him there and ask him "Is there something you want to tell me~?"

He looks away from me, but I grab his chin gently and make him look at me. "My eyes are here, Tyler~ Now, is there something you want to tell me~?" He blushes more and doesn't say anything. I smile and lean in closer. "Ty-Ler~" He blushes more and says "I-I love you..." I heard him clearly, but he said it so quietly.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." He blushes more and says with a normal voice "I-I love you, Axel. I've had these feelings for a little while, but I kept pushing them away." I smiled widely, hearts forming in my eyes. "Don't." He looks at me confused. "Don't hide your feelings from me. Because now I know the truth." He nods. I lift him up into a sitting position. "Now, Tyler. Would you like to be mine~? My boyfriend, my lover, my cute little pup~?"

Tyler swallows and sighs. "Yes." I couldn't contain myself as he said that. I tackle hugged him and kept in nuzzling Tyler. He's mine! He's all mine now! My cute little Tyler.

End of Flashback

After he finally said yes, I spent the last 45 minutes hugging him. I'm just so happy! All my hard work to get him to be mine finally paid off! Now I have a cute little human as my boyfriend. I heard Alex call us from downstairs. 

I picked up Tyler bridal style, causing him to blush. I carried him downstairs and sat him in his seat. Though I really wanted to have him in my lap. Alex sets out plates of eggs, sausage, and bacon. In the middle of the table was a stack of waffles with maple syrup next to it.

Alex notices my tail wagging extremely fast. "You look happy, Axel." I nod excitedly. She smiles and asks why. I look down at Tyler. He looks away blushing. I lift him into my lap and nuzzle him. "Alex, Tyler's mine now! He's my cute little boyfriend." She smiled. "Is that so?" Tyler slowly nods, making her smile more. She knows how much I love Tyler. I'm so happy he loves me back. And I'm so happy we're finally together after all this time!

"Tyler, you know that my brother is quite the handful, so I expect you to take good care of him for me. Whenever you're around, or even if we talk about you, Axel's mood always changes into one of happiness. I expect you make sure he always feels like that." Tyler nods and smiles a bit. I smile too and give him a tight squeeze before putting him back in his seat, giving him a couple of waffles.

Alex smiles as we all start to eat our food. After we were done, Alex then asks us something. "So, since you two are together now, where will your first date be?" Me and Tyler look at each other as she continues. "Who will be paying for who?" That IS a good question. There's almost no place we haven't been to for a date. Even if I sort of dragged him there. I look at Alex and reply "We'll have to figure it out." She nods and Tyler nods too.

Tyler stands up and stretches after a little while. "Well, I suppose I should head home." My ears lower. "Why? You should stay a little longer." Tyler pets my head and says "I got to get home. My mom is going to be happy for us both." I nod my head and hug him one last time before he heads out.

Alex grabs my hands and drags me to her room. "So, let's figure out where you two will go for your first official date." I nod my head. She then points at my chest and says "You're the man of the relationship, so you're paying for it. Or, maybe not at all." I tilt my head confused. She looks through a book full of places that her and her boyfriend has been to. I look at all the places they've been to. The beach, the park, a fancy restaurant, Niagara Falls, and so on.

After a little bit, she pulls out 8 tickets. I look at them and my eyes glow with excitement. She smiles as she looks at me. I look at what the tickets were for, making me smile with excitement. "THIS IS PERFECT!!!"

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