Chapter 3

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After the words came falling out of his mouth I started to frantically look around, hoping to find an escape route.

I mean how do I even answer that. I know what I saw, yes but how do you tell some stranger who has you locked up in a basement that? Not really a walk in the park.

"What did you see?", he asks as he takes menacingly slow steps towards me.

I saw drug activities along with human trafficking, sex slaves and alot more illegitimate and illegal crap. But I can't really tell him that now can I? I don't know what his intentions are with me. If I tell him exactly what I saw then I know that I might die or he will never let me leave this place but if I tell him that I didn't see anything then he might maybe hopefully let me go. But pushing that to the side he does still have another reason to torture me. Remember the whole MacDonald incident? Yea that's another reason.

Mustering all the courage that I have I finally answer him.

"I didn't see anything.", I lie while taking steps back.

We continue our little game, as I take a step back he takes a large step forward. We do this until my back makes contact with the cold brick wall and he is in my personal space. He puts either of his hands against the wall, trapping me and leaving me with little to no escape whatsoever.

"I'm going to ask you one more time.", he says in a dangerous low tone. "What did you see in those fucking files?"

"I didn't see...", I start but he harshly cuts me off.

"Don't fuck with me!", he exclaims as he puts a gun to my forehead. "You better tell the truth before I blow your fucking brains out."

I whimper at the thought of being shot. I don't want to die. His bluffing, he has to be.

Yeah right. He would kill me in two seconds flat.

Sensing my hesitation, he pulls the hammer of the gun and looks me dead in the eyes, a scowl placed on his face.

"I'm giving you five seconds to answer. 5.", he starts.

Oh snap what should I do? Should I tell him but if I do then I might die but if I don't tell him then he will kill me. I'll die either way.Maybe if I tell him then the consequences won't be as bad.




I'm scared. I'm so so scared. My breathing has become harsh and I feel suffocated with him in front of my face, a gun right on my forehead.


I don't have a choice I have to tell him the truth. Nothing but the truth. Why is this happening to me? Is this some nightmare? Please let it be a dream. Wake up. Wake up.

I'm so screwed.

"1...", he finishes as his finger starts adding pressure on the trigger.

"Ok wait!", I plead. "I-I-I'll talk.", I say in defeat, still fearful of the man.

He still doesn't remove the gun from my head instead looks at me expectantly.

"I saw- eh - stuff."

His scowl deepens and raises a perfectly shaped brow, wanting me to elaborate further.

"All I saw was...w-was...uh documents about d-drug dealings a-a-and I think something about s-sex slaves."

Damnit I'm a stuttering mess. I hope he doesn't kill me, I just wanna go home and forget all of this. Forget about being kidnapped. Forget about being tied up in some dingy basement. And I definitely want to forget about being held at gun point.

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