Chapter 49

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It's been two days and my time together with Nefarious has been...well what can I say? He has been really busy and we haven't spent so much as a minute together but I tend to change that.
Tonight I plan to have him all to myself then when I'm done with him he can go back to business.

I don't know if you've noticed but I don't want to be placed second. At all!

Anyway, back to the point, tonight I want Nefarious to pay attention to me and only me. Since it's late, around 20:30, Nefarious should be coming back soon so I have to prepare myself. I head into the shower and freshen up, then lather my body with some Shea butter cream. I pull out a sexy red number and decide to wear that. The lingerie clings to my body like second skin and the color contrasts with my skin beautifully. Not putting much make up, I color my lips with a red shade of lipstick, emphasising my plump lips.

I give myself a quick look over when I suddenly hear the door click. Nefarious is back.

He soon walks into the room.


It has been such a long day today, trying to solve problems and fix other's mistakes. It's so fucking annoying, I hate incompetent people, makes work unnecessarily difficult.

Dusting out all the work crap that I've had to deal with for the past two days I enter the bedroom and immediately stop in my tracks. I'm stunned upon seeing Divine in such a sexy lingerie set that clings to her like second skin, the way it fits perfectly on her body like it was designed just for her. The sight of her makes my mouth dry as I lick my lips attempting to regain the moisture.

"Hey.", she says with a smirk on her red painted lips, her voice ever so seductive and enchanting.
Like being under a siren's spell I walk towards her, my eyes raking her perfect body before landing on her beautiful bright hazel eyes.

"Damn.", I whisper, unable to form any type of sentence. She giggles at my speechless manner and pulls me by the tie that I still have around my neck, lowering me to her height.

"You know Nefarious, I've been so bored and lonely these past few days.", she starts then she suddenly grazes her teeth against my earlobe. I let out a shakey breath and close my eyes, biting hard on my lips. Divine stops all the pleasure and pushes me against the bed rather roughly and I am taken aback by her bold move. I sit up and eye her.

"I understand that you're busy with work and stuff but I don't like being placed second. You're my man and I still need to have some time with you.", she states seriously, my eyes mostly concentrating on her plump inviting lips.

She walks up to me, swaying her hips with every step she takes until she finally stops in front of me. "Do you understand?", she questions. The way she's addressing me makes my dominant side want to resurface and put her in her place so with my pride clouding my vision, I don't answer her.
Divine notices this and leans into my face, starring me straight in my eyes. "Nefarious, I asked you a question.", she emphasizes as one of her hands grab my crotch, squeezing it a bit too hard, making me hiss at the sudden contact. I shut my eyes before answering her. "Yea...I got it."

"Good.", she smiles triumphantly still assaulting my crotch that is now bulging. I knew I couldn't wait much longer. I pull her down to my lap making sure she's straddling me. She gasps at the sudden action. With swift movement I remove her bra. I'm trembling as I touch her soft breast that are surprisingly more perkier and bigger than before, not that I mind. I begin rubbing her nipples and kissing her neck, mostly concentrating on the bite mark that I gave her a month ago, the bite mark left to a silver scar, still in the shape of my bite mark as its all healed but the imprint is evident. I place my mouth over her hard nipples and start sucking on them gently. My hand went down to her pussy and I begin rubbing over her panties. She moans, turning me on even further. I flipped us over so that I'm hovering over her as I continue to caress and kiss her.

I spread her legs so that I'm in between, the little fabric between my desired destination irritating the shit out of me as I use my teeth to remove the lace material. I insert a finger inside her, Divine becoming more wet with every thrust of my finger. Soon I put another finger inside her. After some time she arches her back as her pussy tightens around my fingers. I know she's having an orgasm, which makes my bulge harden.

I pull my pants off and she advances to my hard rock cock as she begins rubbing it with her delicate and soft hands. It makes me want her even more but she refuses me. Divine teasingly places me over her lips and then pulls away. Having enough of the games I hold her hands in my left hand and place them over her head. I guide myself into her opening. She lets out a yelp as I slide into her with ease. Her moans escapes her sweet lips and I pump harder and deeper. With each powerful stroke she raises her ass off the mattress to meet me. I pull out for a brief second, flipping her over so that I can take her from behind. I slide back into her and continue to pummel into her sweet pussy as I feel myself start throbbing, indicating how close I am. Before I could realise she gets on top of me and rides me. I hold onto her hips as both our moans and groans are heard.

"Ah...", she screams out as she tightens around my length causing me to hiss at the sudden compression that sends me over the edge. After a few more pumps, Divine rides out her orgasm but I don't stop lifting her up and down so that she's bouncing on my cock.

I finally explode deep inside her. It's so much that some of it drips out as soon as I pull out. Divine collapses on top of my chest as we breath heavily, coming down from our high.

She rolls off me and I pull her into me, not wanting any distance between us. "Oh god.", she breaths out. I chuckle at the state that she's in and caress her naked back.
We sit in a comfortable silence in each other's arms.

My phone goes off and I'm about to walk to my pants to pull it out the pocket but Divine pulls me back, giving me a disapproving look. "No Nefarious let it go to voicemail."

"It might be...", I start but she cuts me off.

"Nefarious Blackwood.", she warns in a stern voice, the seriousness blazing in her hazel eyes.

I sigh out in defeat and lay back on the bed, pulling her warm body into mine.

Hey lovelies

hope y'all are well. My apologies for taking time with updating.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter


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