Chapter 22

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As soon as I saw Dimitri's hand around her neck I was on edge but as soon as he started lowering her into the water, depriving her of oxygen I pulled out my pistol and approached them.

Getting closer, I took the chance of pulling the trigger, the bullet landing in his arm. The impact managed for divine to escape but I saw her blackout further away from Dimitri.

"Astaroth!", I called out to get his attention as he just shot one of Dimitri's men in the head. "Get Divine!", I order pointing towards her unconscious figure.

Nodding his head he runs towards her, picking her up bridal style. I knew he would take care of her while I stayed here and handled business.


My eyes started to flutter as I feel my back resting on a comfortable mattress, making me feel like I'm in my own personal heaven.

"You're up.", I hear a voice.

I sit straight up and connect eyes with Astaroth. he walks to the edge of the bed, taking a seat.

I look at him confused. The last thing I remembered was meeting up with Dimitri, us arguing and then...nothing.

"What happened? Where's nefarious?", I ask all at the same time.

"Well after you blacked out nefarious told me to get you home. You were unconscious, I resuscitated you but then you blacked out again...", he briefly explains.

"So I'll be fine?"

"Yes. You will be."

Just as I was about to ask where Nefarious is again, I am interrupted by the door opening and in walks a blood covered Nefarious. He looks at me for a while then turning to face his younger brother.

"Didn't I tell you to never get into my room?", he asks.

"I had to set her down and I figured it would be best to put her in your room rather than mine right?", he answers with a question.

Nefarious gives him a look. "Right then, I guess I'll be leaving.", Astaroth says before coming to place a chaste kiss on my forehead. I respond with a small smile.

Then he's gone.

I look at Nefarious. Without even saying a word to me he heads to the bathroom and its not long before I hear the water from the shower running.

I let out a heavy sigh, trying to calm myself down. What happened tonight was so unexpected. If I had known that tonight's events would turn out so bad I would have just gone M.I.A on Dimitri. I know it's harsh and cowardly but it would have avoided so much blood being split.

After half an hour the bathroom doors open and Nefarious' lower half is wrapped around a towel, I hastily get up from the bed and watch as nefarious heads to the closet, dropping his towel so I could see his firm butt.

I blush and pick up the towel and hang it in the bathroom.

When he's done and dressed he walks over to me as I am glued to the ground. I give him a smile, a nervous one at that.

Instead of receiving one he sends me a scowl. I know that I'm in big trouble. My smile drops.

"Are you satisfied?", he darkly questions, no amusement evident in his darkening eyes.

I gulp before answering. "what happened back there wasn't my fault Nefarious"

"Oh really? Didn't I tell you that it was a bad idea to go there? Didn't I tell you that something might go wrong? But you miss independentand miss know it all insisted on going!", he ends off by yelling at me.

Nefarious (Tainted Love)- Mafia Romance || BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now