Chapter 47

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We've been here for a week and three days now and it has been amazing spending time with Nefarious. Who knew that underneath all that seriousness and business nature that there could be someone so fun and easy going inside.
He has kept me entertained both in the bedroom and outside. We met the locals and tried their local delicacies and amazing drinks, though I barely had the alcohol I was still satisfied with what they had to offer. I refrained from using Nefarious' money even though he insisted on spoiling me.

Bringing me out here was more than enough.

Right now we're in the room munching on some 'cookies and cream' ice cream talking about our most embarrassing moments.

"It was the end of my biology exam in high school and I was on my period and I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to wear white jeans but I did.", I start off my story.

Nefarious gives me a look that reads why in the world would you do that. "Baby, I'm no girl but come on!", he says loading his spoon with some more ice cream.

"I know that but I had a light flow so I thought I'd be fine.", I defend before moving closer to Nefarious to lick the edge of his lips as there was some ice cream present there that he was unaware of. "Anyway.", I continue. "After the exam I was walking out the school doors that was until I sneezed. The impact of the sneeze caused a huge amount of blood to gush out.", I end up laughing.

"Hahaha wow what a story, I'm sure you freaked out."

"I did honestly.", I throw down my spoon, calling it quits on the ice cream. "I'm full...", I say rubbing my bloated stomach. Nefarious chuckles and closes it and sets it in the refrigerator.

I shiver suddenly feeling cold. "Is it just me or did it get really cold in here?"

"Probably all that ice cream you ate.", he states wrapping me in the thick blanket that the hotel has provided.

"I'm going to take a nap.", I declare before shutting my eyes, the last thing I feel is Nefarious' lips on my head.

I go in and out of sleep but eventually give up as I hear Nefarious' voice ringing out the room. I rub my eyes and adjust myself so that I'm sitting upright. Nefarious suddenly walks back into the room, his phone pressed upon his eat and a pissed expression masking his face.
"I specifically told you that I want no screw ups!", he booms into the phone before hanging up. He groans and tilts his head back in frustration as I silently watch him. Nefarious notices my gaze on him and he visibly relaxes and approaches me.

"Hey angel, I thought you were asleep."

"I was.", I state yawning and stretching my arms out. "Nefarious who were you yelling at?", I ask exhaustively.

He sighs out then places a kiss on my cheek. "Just some idiot, don't worry about it but I do have to tell you that we are leaving.", he says blankly as he walks away from me, adding unwanted distance as he starts shoving his belongings into his bag.

I'm shocked and confused upon hearing the news and I roll out of bed and follow Nefarious to the bathroom who is now gathering our toiletries.

"What do you mean we are leaving? We still have a few days left here.", I interrogate not moving to pack my own bags. I helplessly follow Nefarious around the suite awaiting for him to answer the many question that I've bombarded at him. He answered none. I block his pathway by the door and eye him seriously and expectantly.


"Divine its not a big deal. We can come back again.", he fires, trying to push me out of the way but fails as I stand my ground.

"Oh sure we can come back and then I'll have you do the same thing again, packing and claiming that we have to leave so suddenly."

"We have to leave because I have some urgent business to attend to.", he finally answers and I step aside and allow him through. I also follow in pursuit and pack my things but not before grabbing the ice cream in the fridge. Nefarious notices and gives me a really look.

"What? It's the best 'cookies and cream' ice cream I've ever tasted.", I defend myself.

After packing everything we are ready to check out, our luggage being loaded into the car and Nefarious checks out by the reception while I nurse my ice cream. The tub of deliciousness is soon empty and I throw it away by a nearby bin and soon enough Nefarious is approaching. I get inside and buckle myself as well as Nefarious and soon we are heading towards the airport. The whole car ride is silent, none of us say anything as we have nothing to say.
The calm and peaceful silence has me fluttering my eyes again and I give in to the magic dust that the sand man has sprinkled over my eyes.

Divine sleeps more than I do😂😂

anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment and follow if you're feeling generous.

much love💜

and until next time...


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