Chapter 51

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I'm tripping. Maybe Lee sent that message to her accidentally. He knows very well that Divine is mine.
But then why would Divine smile at his text? Then why would she be so nervous when she asked me about it?

"Fuck!", I yell pulling my hair in frustration.

What the hell is going on?

Is she having an affair with Lee?

Is she seeing him behind my back?

Did she lie about loving me? Or was she using me? But for what?

My head starts pounding due to all the over thinking that I've been doing for the past hour. I haven't gone back to the room ever since I left. I've been aimlessly driving around this place, that was until I stopped by a bar and ever since then I have been here, drinking. Nursing the brandy in the clear glass, my phoned buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and the first thing I notice is the time. 22:45.

How did it get so late?

I notice a text from Divine asking where I am. Not replying to her I switch my phone off and down my drink before having my last one. Leaving three $100 notes, not really caring if I gave too much or not, I grab my car keys and drive back to the hotel.
I'm thinking too much into this. If I don't talk to her about this and straight up ask her what's the deal then I'm going to drive myself crazy. Upon reaching the hotel, I'm determined to ask her what's going on between her and Lee.

I enter our hotel room and walk into the bedroom calling Divine along the way but get no answer. I wonder where she is but I hear her voice coming from the bathroom. I walk closer to the door about to open it but the echo that the bathroom emits makes it easy for me to hear what she's saying.

I hear her laughter. "Lee you're really smooth with your words.", I hear her say.


She's talking to Lee again!

Why is it that when she's talking to Lee then she's always out of earshot?!

"Shut up Lee we're not in bed.", she says giggling. My hands ball into fists when I hear her say this. So she has been in another man's bed but the last phrase I hear is so fucked up that it hurts. "I know. I love you too Lee.", she says and I could her all the sincerity and truth behind her words.

She never loved me.

It was Lee that she wanted all along.

I step back from the door as I pace the floor back and forth, letting it all sink in but not wanting to believe it at the same time. I sit at the foot of the bed, burying my face in my hands as I let the heartbreak take over. I've never felt this way before, usually if a woman wasn't attached to me then I was fine with it because I never let myself catch any feelings. It was just fucking with them then that's it but with Divine...

Divine walks out the bathroom in her silk night wear and she smiles upon seeing me.

Oh she's good.

"You're back.", she exclaims as she wraps her arms around me, giving me a warm embrace that I refuse to return. She pulls away, a smile still evident on her face while my face is void of any emotion, my eyes filled with a cold front.

"I have something to tell you.", she starts and I decide to speak up, unable to control it anymore.

"Don't bother.", I say out harshly. "I already know."

"You do?", she asks looking somewhat relieved but her nervousness still evident.

I sigh out irritated as my anger begins to bubble deep within me. I can feel the dormant demon inside me wanting to make its appearance. "Yes I know Divine! I had my suspicions this morning but you just confirmed everything!"

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