Chapter 37

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After biding my goodnight to the three in the kitchen I make it to Nefarious' room and plop on the bed. I lay in bed going over what Roman told me.
Poor Roman, I know she wants their relationship to be public. I'm sure she wants to hold Lee's hand and kiss him in front of everyone but she has to act like nothing is going on. Sighing I dismiss the issue and take off my current cloths replacing them with one of Nefarious' random shirts to sleep in. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth, preparing myself for bed. After rinsing my mouth and washing my face I walk back to the bedroom and lie on my stomach, playing PVZ2 on my phone, keeping myself occupied.

It's not long until Nefarious walks in and lays next to me.

"I didn't think you played games.", he says once his eyes find the screen of my phone.

"Keeps me busy and the difficulty rises every level so it's like a workout for my brain.", I say my focus mostly on the game.

Nefarious trues to make small talk with me but I pay no mind to him as my attention is consumed by the game as I give him one word answers such as yes, no and mhmm.

Fed up with the lack of attention I give him, Nefarious snatches my phone and flings in across the room, luckily it lands on the couch.


"Good now that I got your attention.", he captures my lips with his and we kiss. He lifts me up so that I am straddling his waist, deepening the kiss as I snake my arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer to my body. He darts his tongue into mine and we fight for dominance, none of us surrendering. We don't break apart as the we run out of air from our lungs, luckily for me I can hold my breath for long so I don't mind. He pulls away, in taking a large amount of air as he breaths heavily. I smirk knowing that I have won the battle.

"Damn.", he breaths out. I giggle before pecking his nose.

"Nefarious.", I say gently snaking arms around his neck again. He hums out in acknowledgment. "How do you feel about your sisters dating?"

"Why do you ask?", he questions staring deep into my eyes.

"Oh no particular reason. I just heard that when Allison started dating Marcus you didn't really approve and that it took them almost a year to convince you.", I say.

He chuckles as if remembering the memory. "That's true."

"And now you let them be together.", I push.


"So would you let Roman date now?", I ask hoping that he has grown out of his over protectiveness.

"No. I don't need random men to play with her and try get into her pants and then dump her like some whore.", he gives his reason.

"I know you are trying to protect her but don't you think she's old enough and more mature to make her own decisions? Who knows maybe she will find the right guy but even if she doesn't it's still okay for her to experience heart break and betrayal. Going through them will make her stronger and she will gain a bit of experience in the dating game. Besides, Roman doesn't come off as easy to me. How many men has she turned down before I arrived here?", I ask softly.

"Other than the fact that I told my men to stay away from my sisters...Roman did turn down a few and not just my men but tons from the mafia world and those not.", he answers honeslty.

"See.", I state.

He sighs out loud. "I guess you do have a point. I'll try except the fact that she has a boyfriend when she introduces me to him.", he says.

"And don't give him a bullet wound.", I sternly say to him. He chuckles in responds.

"So I guess you heard about that too.", I giggle and pull him into another kiss.

I could feel the lust and want bubbling around us as his excretion is pressed up against my ass. I fidget with his pants and pull out his large shaft as I start jerking him off, all the while not breaking the kiss. He groans into the kiss and I pump him faster and harder, massaging his balls gently making him whither in pleasure.
His breathing becomes heavy and deep and I feel him twitching in my hand, indicating that he is close. I stop soon, not wanting the fun to end just yet.

Soon enough all forms of material that covers our body, are discarded on the floor. Deciding that I want be in control for a little tonight, I push Nefarious down until his back touches the mattress. I position his cock in between my lips, my pussy leaking with juices and slide him in with ease.

Moaning at how large he is, I unintentionally contract my walls causing another groan to escape Nefarious' parted lips. "Fucking hell. Don't squeeze...", he moans out loud.

I start riding him, bouncing in a particular way. I noticed the way Nefarious didn't take his eyes off of my pussy as I am squatting on his cock. Nefarious started grabbing my tits and playing with them as I started bouncing harder and faster.
I bounce fast then slow then fast then slow again, giving him a chance to hold in his load for some more fun. I slip out of him and we catch our breath, light specks of sweat covering our body. He kisses me before flipping us over then he plants his kisses on my neck as he sucks and nips at my neck.

Without any further invitation, Nefarious shoves his cock inside me all the way. I moan loudly as I roll my eyes to the back of my head. The pleasure so deliciously overwhelming. He shoves in and out continuously, his speed increasing and I feel myself getting closer.
I flutter my eyes close, savouring the pleasure that Nefarious brings to me but he wants it in another way.

"Divine open your eyes.", he demands while pumping harder into me. I open my eyes to be met with his slightly darker grey eyes that are clouded by lust. I try to hold eye contact but I fail to. My eyes flutter numerous times until I have them closed.
I contract my vagina, moaning so loud enjoying his large and thick member inside me.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!", Nefarious loudly groans not slowing down his pace, not once and I'm loving it. "Open your eyes Divine! Don't you dare close them!", he shouts his demand mixed with his heavy breathing while I moan.
"Nefarious...I'm so fucking close!", I moan loudly still unable to open my eyes. Before he can give more orders to open my eyes and reveal them to his, with a few more pumps we both cum at the same time. Our juices mixing together.

Nefarious buries his face in the crook of my neck as we breath heavily. He pulls out of me and pulls me into his arms as we lay next to each other, slowly coming dowm from our high. I place my leg over his and cuddle more into him.

"You're gonna pay for that.", he declares suddenly. I look up at him and notice that he has his eyes closed.

"What are you-"

"You had your eyes close after I've told you to keep them open multiple times.", he answers cutting me off.

I giggle and peck his lips. "I'm sorry baby I couldn't help it.", I apologize with a pout on my lips. He peeps at me through his left eye and closes it again.

"It's fine but you're still going to get punished. Believe me.", he promises with an octave tone that sends shivers down my spine as my body awakens with anticipation knowing that he'll bring me more pleasure.

"Why don't you punish me now?", I suggest as I rub on him.

He stops my movements. "No. All in good time my dear Divine.", he says before pecking my lips.

"Get some rest.", he orders and I do so, falling asleep with one thought in mind.

What does he have planned?



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