Chapter 4

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"What?", I spit. I idon't want anything to do with this man.

He sighs and looks down then makes eye contact with me. "Look I'm sorry ok, I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Well its a little too late for that now. How could you do this to me?"

He laughs. "You make it sound as if we knew each other forever and don't put this all on me, we are both equally to blame.", he says defending himself.

But his right. We both dropped our files that day and we both didn't check if we took the correct one. We just assumed. I can't exactly blame him. If anything he has been nice to me ever since we've met, unlike Nefarious.

I slump my shoulders in defeat. "You're right, its not entirely your fault. I'm sorry.", I say meaning it.

The fact that I jumped to conclusions and made him the bad guy was wrong and to make things worse I went ahead and cut the guy. Blood starts oozing from his wound. Oh, I feel so guilty.

"Sorry about that.", I say referring to his wound.

"Whatever. You made me look bad in front of the men, don't ever do that again.", he warns.

I nod my head and walk closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, suffocating him with an embrace. He wraps one arm around me, giving a gentle squeeze. I can smell his cologne as I take a big whiff of it, enjoying the musky fragrance.

We eventually pull out of our embrace and I look up at him, a frown making its way on my face as I look at his wound.

"Can I get you cleaned up?", I shyly ask.

He shakes his head no.

"Please? I feel so guilty about it and I just want to show you how sorry I am."

He rolls his eyes at me. "I'm fine, just leave it."

His answer not good enough, I take his hand in my little one and drag him towards my bedroom. There's a bathroom in there and hopefully it has a first aid kit. Surprisingly he doesn't resist and allows me to drag him along.

After climbing the endless flight of stairs and walking down the hall, we get into my room. His hand still in mine, we walk to the bathroom. I sit him down on the toilet seat and go through the cabinet to find any medical items to clean up his wound.

I eventually find it at the back of the cabinet and retrieve it.

I take some cotton wool and drench it with some medical alcohol to clean up his wound. He sits there still, his eyes never leaving me.

I finish up with the awkward tension in the air, none of us speaking.

"So...", I start, trying to ease the mood. "Are you gonna tell me your name now?"


Shang. Mmmm...that name sounds familiar. I think I heard one of the kidnappers say it. They said that Shang told them not to hurt me. Is this him?

"Did...did you tell my kidnappers, not to hurt me?", I ask as furrow my brows.

He nods his head, his face void of any emotion. It's kinda different to see him so blank, without a smile.

I wrap my arms around is head and bring it towards my chest, embracing him yet again. Instead of one arm he wraps two.

"Thank you Shang."

"Don't mention it.", he replies.

We stay in each others arms for a while, enjoying each other's arms. He is so warm and I like that he is not such an asshole like the others. I mean Lee is not that bad, he seems kinda nice-ish.

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