Chapter 12

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Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I gave her the fucking wrong robe. Now that damn Russian is going to see what's mine.

Oh Divine. Her name says it all, describes her perfectly. Everything about that woman is appealing and dangerously alluring. Her perfectly toned body makes me hard with just one thought. The way her plump ass jiggles whenever she takes a step to the way her hips unintentionally sway from left to right. Her breasts become a real distraction when she has them in a delicious cleavage or when she's wearing a thin shirt that show her nipples that poke out. Shit.

I have to focus. We're doing business now.

Pushing my dirty thoughts aside I listen intently from when Divine wants to start the conversation.

"Well I'm in the mafia, you know that.", he nervously starts off. "I've been in rivalry with Nefarious Blackwood because he claims that my fore fathers have stolen something from his.", he casually summarizes.

"So if you guys stole something from him, why don't you give it back, not that I'm siding with him. I don't even know him.", oh yes you do Divine. Not so long ago I was groping you in this very room.

I hear a frustrated sigh escaping his mouth. "I don't owe that jackass shit. I don't know what's his problem but if this is a about where I get weaponry then he can forget."

"Weapons?", Divine innocently asks.

"Yea, he wants to know where I get them from.", no I don't you twat. I've got enough weapons to blow your ass.

What the fuck is he insinuating. If he really wants to know what I want, he will find soon. What I really want from him, is the deal he has made with those Asians a month ago.

"You get them from the same place you get your coke, does he know where you get your coke from?", Divine's sweet voice rings in my ears as she presses in for more information.

"He knows and that's why I lied about where I get them from.", he says cunningly as I hear some shuffling. I tip toe towards the closet and peep through the open spaces from the closet doors. I see Dimitri standing, bent down so that he's at eye level with a sitting Divine, he's face way too close for my liking.

"Uhmm...why did you lie?", she stutters. Stay calm Divine, don't fuck me over.

He licks his lips and stares at her intently. "Because I had to make sure you weren't a spy or working for Nefarious."

"Excuse me!", she shrieks out. "Why would you think that?! I don't even know this guy, he came shooting into my room, if anything I should hate the guy!"

"Divine I just had to make sure, you're too good to be true.", he softly tells her, placing his hands on her cheek, touching my woman. Touching what's mine! Divine pouts and looks away from his eyes, looking adorable in the process. He places his hand under her chin and lifts up her face so that their eyes are connecting, making my insides turn in displeasure and s big bile of jealousy rising up my throat as I tightly grip the door handle.

"C'mon Divine, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.", he suggestively says, leaning closer.

She swats his hand away from her. "Oh I know you will.", she confidently states, the determination evident in both her tone and eyes.

In a quick flash she pushes Dimitri onto the bed and straddles him, connecting her juicey lips onto his as they start to ravenously suck each others faces.

Hell no, is this happening for the second time.

Ah shit.


Nefarious (Tainted Love)- Mafia Romance || BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now