Chapter 15

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2 weeks later...


I've never been one to give up on anything. If I want something I go after it, facing whatever trials and tribulations that come my way. My parents always taught me to be independent, to never rely on anyone to get me what I want. I should work hard for what I want is what they would tell me. They told me to accomplish all of my goals, in not just one way but with multiple strategies and I have been doing just that. Though my efforts seem to fail me as I have failed at escape for the past two weeks. I've attempted so many times in so many ways but to my dismay, I emerge unsuccessful.

The first escape, Nefarious had his men run after me and just as I was about to make it I was caught and tied up then whipped by Nerfarious, recieving 50 blows, each one painful then the last, leaving heinous scares.

My second attempt was worse than the last. Dogs with the characteristics of wild, untamed wolves, hunting me, their barks and growls sounding as the hell hounds of Hades. One of the beasts had sunk its canines within the flesh of my calves. The immense pain that I felt was unbearable and words could not describe the discomfort that I was feeling. All I can recall from that night was passing out and waking up handcuffed to the headboard with stitches keeping my wound sealed.

I've been kept in this room for three days with only one meal per day that was accompanied by a cold glass of water. During my time of dinning I was granted to rid the dirt and harmful germs as well as empty out my bladder.

I haven't seen Nefarious since and I am grateful for that. His lack of presence gives me sufficient time that I need to come up with a new deploy.

Since I cannot take this situation with a direct approach, I'll have to indirectly make my escape. If I can get Nefarious to trust me I guarantee my freedom to be of a high chance although if he has his guard up then I won't stand a chance. I have to be smart with how I play this out.

A pair of periwinkle eyes catch my attention as I open my eyes, the very same eyes that I hate.

"Good, you're awake.", he speaks with a voice that is so monotonous.

My stubborn self refuses to say a word, my pride bruised and disrespected for what he has put me through. The whips, the hounds, the displeasurable treatment, all of it slowly breaking me down. If it wasn't for my strong spirit and the passionate fire of determination blazing in my eyes I would've have been concord by this man, who isn't afraid to show his horns that symbolizes his malice and malevolent nature. A proud devil he is.

He takes calculating steps towards me, his eyes just as observant. I flinch as he lowers his calloused hand to caress my cheeks that are tear stained due to all the crying that I have been doing lately.

His grey eyes are soft but only for that slim moment as they return to the black soulless pits that they are. "All of this could have been avoided. I warned you that your attempts at escape...", he holds my chin in a vice like grip. "Are just a waste of time.", he concludes.

Roughly letting go of my chin, he strides towards the door. I cannot let him go without soothing him and boasting his ego. "Nefarious.", I start, his attention now attracted.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to escape and for...disobeying you.", those words are like a toxic venom dangeroulsy grazing my tongue but I don't have a choice. If I need to gain his trust then I need to do the things that must be done.

The response I receive is of one that I'm not expecting, silence. Nerfarious is mute, nothing to say and to my disappointment his presence disappears from my view, as he violently slams the door, myself flinching at the sudden occurrence.

I let out a sigh.

I can't give up, not just yet.

I'm awakened by my short nap when I hear a loud commotion in my room. I look out the window and notice that the sky is a dark blue with glittering stars littering the black canvas. My eyes are graced with Nerfarious' presence for the second time today but before my brain can register anything, the handcuffs are unlocked followed by me being dragged out of my room but because of the long duration of being bonded to the bead, my legs are weak as the numbness overcomes them making me lose footing.

This does not phase him as he drags me nonetheless to a familiar room that I've once retired to. His bedroom.

I'm thrown on the bed the same time he shuts and locks the door.

I can feel the wave of fear crawling up, engulfing my whole entire being, the fearful emotive shining visibly in my eyes and with each step he takes my breath hitches.

"Why am I in your room?", I ask, rubbing my hurt, dry wrists.

Nefarious sits on the bed. He chuckles darkly. "You intrigue me, Divine.", he begins as his stormy eyes scan my face. "This fire that you're carrying inside you, your passion and your fucking stubbornness draws me more and more.", he ends off with his jaw in a tight clench.

His impenetrable gaze doesn't waver, not once as he continues. "From here on now, you'll be staying in my quarters, where I can keep a close eye on you."

I nod my head in understanding. "That's understandable."

Nerfarious plasters a pleased expression at my submission as he grabs my busted wrists and begins to rub it gently. "Divine.", he says in an octave tone. "Don't ever try to run away from me, or else...", he lets his sentence hang, squeezing my already burnt wrist, recieving a small whimper from me.

He smirks with satisfaction as he got the reaction that he wanted out of me.

"Get some sleep, darling.", he orders in a way that indicates that it is not up for discussion, stating his finality.

I gulp down the fear that has been lodged in my throat from the onset of this conversation. I whisper out a quick 'goodnight', then I'm surrounded by darkness and I know he's gone.





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