Chapter 24

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The blinding rays from the sunlight that is coming through the slim crack between the curtains, that just happens to shine on my face.

I sit upright and stretch out my stiff arms and back as I look around the room. Wow it is completely trashed. There's wrappers and empty tubs of ice cream everywhere. The girls are sprawled all over the bed, their bodies looking disfigured.

I get out of bed and walk to the room I share with Nefarious. Without knocking I open the door and head to the bathroom. I stop in front of the bathroom door and I can't help but stare at his peaceful state.

He looks so calm and worry free. He doesn't look like a lunatic at all. I smile gently, enjoying and savouring the sight that is displayed for me.

When I get in the bathroom I do my morning routine and then head out with a towel wrapped around my body.

"Morning.", I'm startled by Nefarious' husky voice. I clutch the towel around me even tighter, preventing it from falling.

"Hi.", I greet back smiling at him.

He looks at my towel wrapped figure then gestures for me to come over.

"I'm not properly dressed.", is my excuse.

"So?", he bluntly asks. I look down feeling shy. "Come here. I missed you.", I smile at his sweet words and slowly walk over to him.

He yanks me down so that I am seated on his lap. He buries his nose into the crook of my neck and breaths out a sigh of satisfaction. I grab his face into my soft delicate hands and just stare into his eyes.

"What is it that you are looking for, Divine?", it's like this man can read my mind.

I don't know what I'm looking for. Maybe your past, if you have any ulterior motives with me or if your feelings for me are pure and you even have feelings for me, I scan my mind for questions, dozens just waiting to be answered.

"I don't know.", I honestly confess. He licks his ever so delicious lips that get me excited every time I think about him.

I gently place a lingering kiss, just living in the moment. He kisses me back and its not too long until we are in a full out blown make out session. Nefarious positions me so that I am straddling him. I notice that he is shirtless as I run my hands all over his abdomen, occasionally getting very close to his manhood because each time I do he lets out a groan.

It gets heated when my towel starts getting loose around my anatomy.

By now my bare chest is against his and we continue to enjoy each other's presence.

We stop for a while to catch our breath, pecking each other a few more times.

"You should get dressed or I don't know what I'll do to you.", he says staring deep into my hazel brown eyes.

I smile and peck him one last time and nod in agreement. I get up, tightening the towel around my frame and walk to the closet. I hear a door shut followed by running water a few minutes later.

After getting dressed I head downstairs to get some breakfast. I'm feeling like pancakes or maybe even waffles. Without realizing and my indecisiveness, I bump into Angelique.

"Well look who it is. The Russian slut.", she insults.

I roll my eyes at her pathetic attempt of getting me worked up and I try to walk around her, however she steps to the side blocking my path.

I sigh out in annoyance. "Look Angelique I don't have time to deal with you right now, alright. Now if you don't mind I really want to get to the kitchen.", I say side stepping her and carrying on with my way.

"I get to the kitchen and there's already a platter of waffles and pancakes.

Hmm someone read my mind. I sit down, placing my breakfast on the marble counter. As I'm about to take the first bite, I feel warm breathing down my neck.

I'm frightened as I go to take a swing at the unidentified person but that person catches on quickly and swiftly defends their face.

"Why so feisty?", struck with realization, it happens to be nefarious behind me.

"Nefarious I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was you.", I apologize and peck his lips.

He chuckles right after.

"What's with you and kissing me? You've been doing it a lot lately.", he questioningly teases.

I pout a bit. "You don't like it?"

"It's not that.", he answers smoothly. "It's just...not normal of you. I mean a few weeks back you hated my guts and couldn't stand to even share the same air as me.", he defends his expression in a questioning look and his eyes squinted. "Are you planning something?", he bluntly asking staring me right in the eye.

"What?", I ask undeniably shocked. I didn't expect him to ask me such. I had given up on my plans to escape because I started warming up to him and this place and the people who live here.

His expressions doesn't waver, he just awaits for me to give him an answer.

"No Nefarious I'm not planning anything.", I reassure him, pulling his head closer to mine. I look dead in his beautiful grey eyes so that he can see my sincerity.

He gives me a nonexistent smile and I grin back at him.

"I just like kissing you.", I further explain pecking him a few more times.

"I like that you like kissing me.", he smugly responds.

I giggle at his choice of words. "You cheesy bastard.", he attacks my lips again and we kiss for a few minutes before I realize that my breakfast is still waiting to be devoured.

I push him back and gesture to my stacked breakfast.

"Why are you eating in here?", he asks me curiously.


He grabs my hand, my other hand grabbing my breakfast along while nefarious leads me to the dining hall. All eyes are on us as we enter, most with confused and curious expressions.

He seats me down on his left hand side, where Angelique used to sit.

"I want you sitting here every time a meal is served.", he informs in a dark hushed tone. I nod my head, my mouth stuffed with pancakes.

I notice that the girls are up too, Rea sitting next to Sheng, Allison with Marcus and Roman is seated next to Lee. It's so cute how they both have feelings for each other yet none of them know.

I smile towards them, winking at Lee signalling that I still have his back and that I am still going to help him get with Roman.

"What was that?", Rea nudges me.

"What was what?", I smile at her innocently and dismiss her.

My gaze flickers to Nefarious at some occasions and I blush every time he shoots me a wink or one of his sexy signature sexy smirk.

What is up my lovelies

coming back with another update and be prepared for more that will be published soon

lots of love.


Nefarious (Tainted Love)- Mafia Romance || BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now