Chapter 13

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"Dimitri...I want", I could Divine practically moaning. I could see their bodies against one another, his bare chest compressed upon hers. It was hard to watch, aggravating to hear.

Divine double-crossed me.

One minute we're making out and the next she's ready to jump into bed with this douche bag. She's a devious maid. Beautiful and alluring on the outside but deceiving and conniving on the inside, a snake. A beautiful snake.

Her moans that were getting louder started to make my blood boil, anger and adrenaline sweeping through every vein, my whole entire being. I closed my eyes allowing my mind to wonder to all the negative emotions that I was feeling. I felt used, played, low. I felt like nothing for the first time in my life. I was played by a female for the first time ever. I've toyed with alot of women and never once cared about the feelings. I just wanted the sex and after receiving the pleasure I never wanted to see their faces again, I had gotten what I wanted...but with Divine, its different and I don't know why.

Come to think of it I'm in a fucking closet and she's out there recieving pleasure. The realisation makes me tighten my grip on the handle resulting it to fall off the door, landing with a thump on the ground.

My breath hitches and I peep through the almost nonexistence openings. I see Dimitri getting off Divine and pulling up his slacks, telling Divine to stay where she is.


I hear shuffling and a set of footsteps approaching the closet. I look around desperately trying to find a place to hide and not get caught but I come up hopeless. With only one place in mind, I open out my arms so that they are touching either sides of the narrow walls, doing the same with my legs. I start to climb up between the walls until I make it to the top of the ceiling, seeing everything top view.

I hold my breath as they step into the room both looking around the room, Divine nervously biting her lips. Dimitri searches the entire closet, not finding me but he has yet to look up although my darling Divine lifts her gaze until her brown eyes are meet with mine.

Her eyes widen and looks away from me to not look suspicious.

"Dimitri I don't think there's anything in here, can we go back to bed?", she desperately tries to persuade.


He walks out from the corner of the closet, still on edge about his suspicion. He studies her face for a brief moment before tilting his head back. If it weren't for Divine, Dimitri would've seen me but thankfully she grabbed his head and feverishly started kissing him, Dimitri returning it. She turns him around so that he's back is facing me.

I harshly tilt my head back, hitting my head against the wall from the accelerated move, the back of my head throbbing. I begin to feel frustrated and pissed then I realise that I'm starting to slip, my height decreasing as I try to hold on for as long as possible.

I do my best to work on getting Divine's attention but she is too preoccupied at the fucking moment.

Fucking great.

Things get heated again but its short lived when a phone rings, loudly indicating an incoming call.

I tense for a moment but relax afterwards knowing that its Dimitri's as he pulls a phone out from his slacks.

"Talk.", he says in a gruff tone.

Divine stays rooted to her spot and focuses on me, a smug look on her face as she acknowledges my struggle.

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