Chapter 46

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Finally arriving at the airport, Nerfarious and I step out of the car and soon we are assisted in loading out luggage into the plane. We made it just in time and Nefarious is speaking with his pilot while I'm on the phone with Lee.

"We just arrived at the airport.", I state as examine my surroundings, not that there's much to see, just a bunch of planes.

"I'm surprised you guys made it on time but if you didn't Jim would still have to wait.", he says chuckling in the other end.

"So how's it going with you and Roman? Did you tell her about Nefarious?"

It's silent on the other end and I wonder if he's still there. "Lee?"

"Umm...that's a negative.", he says nervously.

"Lee why haven't you told her? I'm sure she'd be happy and relieved to know about Nefarious' change of heart."

"Yeah I know but..."

"No. No buts.", I sigh out and my attention is pulled towards Nefarious as he calls out my name, informing me that its time to board the plane. I nod my head. "Look I have to go. Just tell Roman, okay?"

"Alright.", he says sighing out.

I begin walking towards the plane and say a quick bye to Lee before hanging up. I tuck my phone into the pocket of my jacket and soon my hand is in Nefarious'. The flight attendant leads us to our seats and asks if we would like anything to drink or eat. We both decline.

"Who was that you were talking to?", Nefarious questions as he is seated vertically opposite from me.

I make myself comfortable in the chair. "Just Lee.", I reply honestly.

Nefarious raises an eyebrow. "Lee?"

"Yeah.", I clarify for him and I can see that he is rather curious to what we were talking about. "I was giving him some advice. He has girl problems at the moment.", I stipulate.
Nefarious nods his head but it's clear that his jealousy is brewing. He looks adorable with his lips slightly pouted. I straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck. He is taken aback by my sudden action but relaxes. I squish his cheeks and kiss his lips. "What's wrong?", I ask him.
"Nothing.", he says with a small smile and on cue I manage to litter his face with multiple kisses and I continue with my assaults on his beautiful face.

"Stop kissing me!", he says trying to push me off him but I make it hard for him as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him even closer to me.
"No. I can't stop kissing you.", I say in between kisses. Nefarious sighs out in defeat and just sits there immobile. I continue kissing his nose, his eyes, his cheeks, his lips, his ears and neck occasionally. He lets out another deep sigh as if starting to get annoyed but I don't stop. He stands up with me still clinging onto him and walks in an unknown direction. He closes the door behind him and throws me onto the bed, hovering over me.

Wow. How big is this plane? It even has a room, are you kidding me?

I look up at him with a sheepish smile and try to pull him down to my lips but he grabs both my hands and pins them above my head before kissing and sucking on my neck. His grip on my wrists loosen and I manage to flip us over so that I'm on top of him.

"No sex.", I tell him. I kiss all over his face again and he sighs out in annoyance but that doesn't bother me.

"Baby how a about we just make out?", he suggests.

I shake my head no and continue kissing him. "I don't want to make out. I want to kiss you.", I reply kissing his lips multiple times. "You're not allowed to kiss me, only I can."

"No. I refuse.", he protests playfully, pulling me away from him and once we're mere inches he takes that as an opportunity to leave. I decide against chasing after him as I make myself all nice and warm on the bed, closing my eyes and drifting off.


"Baby.", I hear someone calling. "Baby wake up."

I flutter my eyes open, trying to adjust to the brightness. I look up at Nefarious' handsome face and smile. "Hi.", I greet with a small and soft tone.
He chuckles telling me how adorable I look and comparing me to a kitten. He lifts me out of the bed and carries me to the chairs and sits me down before buckling my seatbelt. "We're about to land.", he informs buckling himself in and very true we land within the next ten minutes.

I still feel a bit drowsy from my nap that I took earlier and Nefarious grabs my hand and guides me out the plane as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. We enter a black car and Nefarious starts it and zooms out the airport. As he drives I take this opportunity to study the beautiful landscape of Seychelles. It's gorgeous, lots of people walking around, cute market stores that sell exotic goods and I can see the beach not far from where we are.
We arrive at a massive and modern looking hotel. The exterior looks so elegant. We exit the car and soon the doorman insists on taking our baggage inside. Entering the building we head for the lobby.
This must be a five star hotel, it's so classy and beautiful with only the rich littering the place.

"Nefarious Blackwood.", he states his name in a steel-like tone that causes the receptionist to flinch. I internally chuckle knowing that Nefarious gives off an intimidating vibe.

"Yes Mr. Blackwood you're suite is ready for you. Room number 320 on the 15th floor.", she says handing him our hotel key. "I'll have Morris bring up your belongings."

Nefarious then storms off to the elevator without so much as a thank you. I look at her apologetically for his rudeness. "Thank you.", I say.

"Enjoy your stay.", she beams at me and I run over to the opening elevator doors. The doors close and we stand in silence as Nefarious tends to his phone. The elevator dings open and we head to our room as Nefarious unlocks it and we enter.

I'm speechless. The room is wonderful. It has everything that a suite would have. A tv, a mini fridge, a large bed and the most perfect, picturesque view of the island. Absolutely breathtaking.

"You like?", Nefarious asks walking up to me, wrapping me in his arms from behind.

"It's beautiful.", I sigh out in content. I turn to face him and put my arms around his neck. "So what do you feel like doing?", I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders before answering. "I don't want to go out though."

"Me too.", I agree.

"Well I have a thing or two in mind.", he says with a glint of mischief and though the warning signs flash brightly in front of me, I choose to be ignorant about them as I am open to whatever he wants to do to me.

Hey lovelies

finally updated. I hope you enjoyed.

much love💜


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