Chapter 1: BEGINNING

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Crystal's POV

I woke up and do my morning routines. After bathing i go downstairs and saw my drunk father sleeping in the table with bottles of whiskey and can of beers. I let out a sigh luckily it's still 6:00 am and my class will start at eight. I walk in the fridge and not in my surprise it's only filled by can of beers. I put on my jacket and go to the nearest market and bought ingredients with my own money. Actually i am the only daughter and when my mom died my sweet father become a bastard and always drinking and beating me up luckily he didn't sexually abuse me. I frowned when memories of me dad and mom pop out in my head. I then let out a smile but it didn't reach my eyes. While walking home i feel someone is following me. I look behind my back and saw no one so i continued to walk until i reached the house.

When i entered the house i saw dad still sleeping. I then go directly to the kitchen and cook breakfast mine and him. Yea he didn't do nothing than abusing me but he is still my sweet father who raised me with mom. After cooking it's already 6:54 i ate my breakfast and put dad's in front of him i then washed the dishes and clean his mess. After cleaning a grabbed my bag and check the time it's already 7:40 i need to hurry up. I only walk when going to school it will take me 30 minutes without running. But before i exit the house i look at dad slowly opening his eyes i then run as fast as i could to reach the school.

After i arrived i go to my locker and put my things and bring my other things i need for my first class. When i entered the room i go to my usual back corner of the room. I am now in 3rd year of junior high. When Mrs. Gwen entered the room and started teaching our history subject everybody yawned cause they say that history is boring. But for me it's not i always like studying about history and of course all of my subject and yea i don't have a hated subject. After my first class i go to my locker to get my art materials for my second subject which is art class but suddenly my nightmare begins when Natalie and her friends approach me. Well they are my bullies since day 1 "hey nerd what are you doing?" she asked and i just look at the ground "awww is TEACHER'S PET so shy to say something?" she asked again "why don't you seduce prof. Vince to make your grades high again huh?" she asked then let me drop my materials on the ground "aww sorry didn't mean it" she said and pull my air "ahhh!" i yelled because of the pain " how about stop seducing professors and paying teachers to make your grades high ok?" she said then go to her next subject when the bell rang.

While picking up my things someone helped me i look at that person he is wearing a mask a black hat a hoodie, pants and a black converse. After helping he gave me my things and walk out. After that i go to the art room and as always Prof. Vince welcomed me with a smile "oh, Ms Jade why did you came late again hmm?" he asked "i uhh go to the bathroom sir" i replied "ok then Ms. Jade but please next time don't be late" he said i nod and go to my seat. He taught us about famous paintings their artists and also their backstory.  After class my next subject will be math and lastly music but luckily my teacher in math absent so i have  a spare time to go to the library. But before i could  get out Prof. Vince spoke "Ms. Jade we have something to discuss" prof. Vince said so i sat in the front seat

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