Chapter 10: Change?

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Crystal's POV

While walking to the house not from afar I saw someone outside the house when I realize who it was I froze in my spot. When he realize I am looking at him he ran into me with worried eyes but I look at him with Surprised eyes, he the hugged me "Cris, why didn't you tell me?" he asked while hugging me and at the same time crying I look at him confused "why so" I asked he does not smell alcohol anymore dressed neatly and wearing pajamas and his hair is comb neatly "he told me everything Cris but I'll explain everything when we entered ok?" he said I nod

When I entered the house I thought a tornado hit the house. I mean when I entered it looks so neat "what ha-" I could not finished my sentence "Cris I 'm so sorry on what I did to you this pass 2 yrs." he said running his hand in his hair while sitting in the couch. I then sat beside him "why are you saying this dad?" I asked "He told me everything all of it what I did to you all the scars you have because of me and your attempted suicide all of it, I'm so sorry Cris I wish I could bring back time and stopped what I did" he said I saw regret and guilt in dad's eyes "but the question is why didn't you ran away? why did you still stay? how can you endure me?" he asked " even though you are a bastard you're still dad and the father who raised me and of course I love you" I said and hugged him "I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive dad" he said I look at him "I already forgiven you dad a long time ago' I said "and what the hell happened to the house no beer?!" I asked while smiling at him he laughed a little "Cris I will change for the both of us ok? I will try to be a father again"he said that made me smile "ok dad" I said "but now tell me why do you want to commit suicide" he said I then look away "That night I had enough you know about your beatings and that night you gave me a big wound in my left arm" I said then showed him my left arm with bandage wrapped around it "Oh god dammit did I cause that?" he asked I nod a little "c'mon let me bring you to the hospital to treat that wound" he said then helped me stand up "It's ok" I said "no it is not let's go to your uncle Sam" he said "But I just got there" I whined "let's treat it tomorrow after school ok?" I asked "fine then let's go to bed sweetheart you still have school tomorrow" he said then kissed my forhead "night dad" I said " night too" he said then go upstairs.

While laying in the bed I could not move on what just happened earlier I can't believe my dad came back,I smiled while thinking on the incident earlier about dad and me. I shove that topic away from my head cause I'm freakin sleepy.

Time Skip

When I arrived in the cafe I approached Manager Nick 'sir can I leave for today dad will be joining me treating my wound in the hospital" I said that made Grayson and Mary look at me in shocked 'uncle, is joining you? is he out of his mind?"both of them asked "Cris what happened to your dad?" manager Nick asked " he apologized to me last night he said someone told him what he did wrong and about my attempted suicide" I said "ok then tell us what happened next ok? and come back later we will get busy Dennis said he will bring some guest" manager Nick said "ok then sir I'll come back later" I said.

Grayson's POV

I look at Mary who's also looking at me confused "what with the sudden change?" she asked "I know right? and who is this someone? You know it's only us who knows about her and uncle" I said I look at manager Nick "sir did you hire someone to tell her father?" I asked "of course not" he said then look at us "go back to work we'll discuss this later" He said Both of us and Mary then go back to work. Change? And who is this someone?

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