Chapter 9: Courage

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Crystal's POV

As we entered we sat in the bar "so, sir what advice do you want?" I asked cause when I look at him earlier he look anxious and desperate "it's so embarrassing to tell you this but can you listen to this until the end?" he asked "of course sir I'll help and I also owe you a lot" I said with a smile "Ok then" he sighed and just look down "I have a wife but we split up and 2 yrs. later she got married and that's when I knew we had a child a little boy, Let's start from the beginning shall we?" he asked still looking down "ok sir" I just said a little confused "Her name is Melissa she has a beautiful chestnut color hair beautiful green eyes that when I first look into it I feel like drowning.." he said and smiled bitterly, he do love his wife and still do "our love story started in high school times and then we got married when we got on that stage I feel I am the luckiest man in the world because in all the man in the world she chose me, but one night me and my friends celebrated our friends birthday and it includes drinking alcohol after that I think I was just walking heading to the house cause it's not that far but and that's all I remember," he paused and sighed again "when morning came I woke up in a motel laying with a girl and then the door open Melissa entered in tears she then cursed me and said that she thought I was a good man, I will never hurt her and etc. I then realized the woman beside me is my ex from high school that also Melissa's bully, when I arrived in the house there is no thing of her is found she's been away for 2 days and when she came back she has a divorce paper with her a-and I wanted to stop her b-b-" he cried in mid sentence he cried and wipe it and look at me "sorry Cris' he said I smiled and hugged him "it's ok sir come on you can continue" I said then sit "but she said her feelings for me fades away after she felt betrayal and pain And I regret it she then left after I signed it 2 yrs later she got married, when we Met in the supermarket just 6 months ago I saw her carrying a little boy he looks happy I don't want to ruin that so I avoided her and when she talk to her son,m He asked if where is his dad she answered that his dad is gone and that's all I heard because it hurts so much that I have not been by her side and see my little boy growing" he finished.

You know I admire this man cause how painful his story is he still has an urge to smile "sir I am so sorry about your past and the only advice I can give is if god will let both of you meet again don't waste the chance to apologize to her even though the event happen is just an accident it still hurts her and see your son I think Melissa feel bad to him because he grows up not knowing who is his real father and call me if you can't I can do it in your behalf if you want sir or you wanted someone to talk to" I said and smiled he look at me and smiled back "So, sir how much left?" I asked "oh, It's not that much for now Cris" he said "then here is the money"I said giving it to him "no need Cris you helped me a lot for tonight" he said giving it back 'no sir a debt is a debt a advice is an advice you can pay maybe giving me advice sir" I said then stand up and look at I'll get going sir" I then stand up and look at him and hugged him "thank you Cris walk safely" He said I then bid goodbye.

While walking to the house not from afar when I saw someone outside the house and realized who it was I froze in my spot.

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