Welcome to the Ball

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No matter how hard he tried(and he really was trying) Keith couldn't keep the amused smirk off his face. The Shirogane Charity Ball was in full swing, the ballroom of Shirogane Manor packed with Gotham's richest residents dancing, gossiping, and pandering behind masquerade masks. Normally he would have to hide his irritation behind a fake smile and welcoming look, but this time his smile was genuine. A threat had been made on his and his adoptive brother's life causing the Justice League to send their covert Young Justice team (His team) to protect the Ball. As much as the out-of-costume Robin hated to pretend he needed protecting, he was loving secretly watching his team work.

Aqualad and Mr.Martian were posing as waiters while Artemis, Kid Flash, and Superboy were guests. The undercover waiters wore the wait staff uniform, simple black dress pants and shoes with a white button down shirt rolled up to the elbows along with a dark gray dress vest and simple black masks. The two were walking through the crowd, politely offering drinks to the guests. Keith was surprised that Hunk hadn't tripped and dropped anything yet; he wasn't the most graceful guy in world.

His eyes found Superboy leaning against the outer wall next to a window, his eyes trained on the two entrances and more than likely his ears trained for anything suspicious outside. The clone's hair was slicked back and he wore a simple black suit and shoes with his normal t-shirt underneath, (you could still see the top of red 's' shield), with a red masquerade mask lined with black.

Across the room from Superboy was Artemis wearing a green, sparkly, strapless dress that reached just above her knees with some black high heels (also sparkly), pink choker with a black sparkly heart, pink bangles, pink dangly earrings, and a sparkly(of course)black mask lined with pink. Her long white hair was somehow piled into a bun on the top of her head.

Kid Flash was exactly where Keith had expected him to be, at the buffet table that stood between the tables and the dance floor. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt black dance shoes and a red bowtie. It was clear he had his costume (minus the gloves and the boots) on under the suit for instead of a masquerade mask, he wore his normal Kid Flash mask.

All night Keith had been discreetly watching his team from his place next to Shiro, and for what had to be the eighteenth time, he found his eyes being drawn back to his Cuban friend. his smirk shifted into a soft smile as he watched the speedster, thinking back to the briefing they had had this morning.

The next chapter will be Keith's flashback.

Please let me know what you think.

The art is not mine, believe me I'm a horrible artist.

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