Chapter 14

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Harry’s POV:

I helped Sarah get off the plane; I hated seeing her like this. I was so happy we were home though and I could finally just get some down time with her. I felt so disheveled as well, my head and face were hurting, my limbs were hurting and my neck was hurting. If Niall had just layed off my girlfriend in the first place we wouldn’t be in this mess but oh well, that was his choice.

We got off the plane and took a few more photos with fans and then went to the luggage part of the airport. We got our suitcases and got a taxi back to her place.

There was a ton of fan mail on the floor as we opened the door. She had one of those letterboxes in her door so it was all over the floor. I picked it up and put it on the table. I helped Sarah to unpack our things and then she asked, “Move in with me Harry?” in a very blurted way. I looked up at her and smiled, “Sure Babe, I would love to” I saw her smirk as well. Finally our relationship was going somewhere.

Sarah’s POV:

I felt my leg feel so much better after that last shock of pain so I asked Harry “Love, can you take me to the doctors? My leg has felt so much better the past few days and I am starting to get sick of this cast and crutches.” He then walked over to me and kissed my forehead. “Let’s go” he exclaimed. So we headed for the door and out to the BMW that had been dropped off by his cousin. We hopped in and drove off. We arrived at the hospital and Harry helped me out of the very low car, I got out and grabbed hold of my crutches. I hobbled over to the receptionist and asked, “We don’t have an appointment we would just like to see a doctor about my fractured ankle” she looked at her computer and nodded. “Take a seat dear and Dr. Newman will be with you in a moment". I smiled and thanked her and walked over and took a seat, Harry grabbed another chair for me to put me leg on. I smiled at him and he smiled back, it was a different smile though because he couldn’t smile properly because of his puffy eye.

In about two minutes we were called in, Harry helped me up and kept hold of my waist. We got into a Hospital bedroom and the doctor told me to lie on the bed, I did what he asked. “So you say you are feeling better about this ankle of yours then… um… Sarah?” “Yes, I felt one shock of pain the other day and from then on, I have felt fine,” I replied in a cheery tone. Harry just sat there intently listening to the whole conversation.

“Well let me tell you that that is a good sign Sarah, the initial shock of pain means that your ankle is just about healed and that cast can come off tomorrow, we just can’t have you running around or wearing high heels for about another two weeks, does that sound fair?” he asked happily, “That is fine, the sooner I can get this thing off the better!” I exclaimed, Harry had ahold of my hand by this time, he could tell that I was nervous.

“Ok Sarah, one last thing you can do for me today is wriggle your toes” I did as the doctor asked. I wriggled my toes and surprisingly no pain at all! That was absolutely awesome. “Any pain Sarah?” I shook my head “It feels normal” I smiled over to Harry who looked really happy as well. “Well I’m glad to say that the cast can come off tomorrow, you just have to make an appointment with our receptionist ok?” We both nodded and I got up from the bed. I grabbed the crutches and left the room, thanking Dr. Newman.

We made an appointment for 11:30 the next day, Harry and I were both really excited. We got home quickly and I decided that, the perfect time for Clara to meet Harry was tomorrow. I would invite them both to a coffee shop without them knowing each other were going. Then we would all be friends and talk.

I texted Clara saying to meet me at the ‘Coffee de Amore’ on Kent street at 1:00 tomorrow. She texted back saying that that sounded great.

That night Harry made me a omelet and one for himself as well. They were delicious. We didn’t turn the television on either. We just talked and ate and then finally, slept. 

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