Chapter 5

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Sarah’s POV:

I woke up, I had not moved from last night. Arm’s around Harry’s waist, him slightly smiling, his hand on my stomach, it was just perfection in a package!

I stroked the side of his waist, just feeling his warm skin made me tingle. He woke up and we just stared at each other for a few minutes. His eyes were searching deep inside my brain, as if he was trying to get something out of me.

“Good morning love, we are leaving today, we have to get ready” he was smiling as he spoke in his deep husky voice. I just smiled back and nodded. After a few more minutes of just lying there Harry took off the quilt and helped me sit up. He grabbed hold of my hand and held my back as he pushed me up. My foot was aching, I put my palm on my temple and rubbed it because of the splitting headache I had.

“Ummm… are you ok babe? You look a bit sick” he asked me worriedly. “My leg is just hurting and I have a really bad headache” I replied lifting up my head. “I’ll go get the pain killers,” he said walking quickly out of the room.

God, he was the best boyfriend in the world and cared so much about me! I leaned over to grab my crutches and then got off the bed. Harry came in with my tablets and a glass of water; he handed them to me and watched me take them. He made sure I was steady as I hobbled around the room. I was getting used to the crutches now. He made me breakfast, bacon and eggs and then put them on the table where I was sitting and sat beside me. He leaned over to kiss my cheek. but I turned around and kissed him, I took him by surprise but I knew he didn’t mind. I felt bad for what I was doing, lying to his face, I knew it was the only way he would let me stay behind though! I wanted to tell him but he needed to go on tour, I didn’t want him to disappoint all of those fans just because of my stupid ankle!

Harry’s POV:

We sat and ate breakfast occasionally pecking each other. This was nice, the best relationship ever, I am so excited about going on this tour with her though. I got up and washed the dishes and she hobbled out to go and get changed. “Don’t come in” she shouted as she left the room, “I won’t” I replied smirking as I was drying one of the dishes.

Sarah’s POV:

I had just managed to get some adidas track pants over my huge cast on my leg and was just about to put on my love heart top from supre as Harry walked in and saw me in my bra and trackies. He whistled and just stood at the door checking me out “do you see something you like there Harry?” I asked cheekily.

“ Like... you have got to be joking. I love what I see, every beautiful bit of my beautiful girlfriend” he replied running over to me and hugging me. I had the urge to tell him but I knew I couldn’t. Harry spent the rest of the day packing my clothes into a suitcase for me because I would have found it hard to, him doing the same but for his clothes.

I was now starting to get a funny feeling in my stomach. I asked Louis if he could pretend to take me to the airport and when Harry was gone I would come back and they would cover for me. So I said “I’m going to the airport with Louis and Eleanor, they said they had to talk to me about something really important, so I guess I will see you there” I said to Harry.

Harry then walked over to me and gave me a hard kiss, but a passionate one. We just stood there embracing each other for a few seconds, kissing each other until harry pulled away, “I love you” he remarked. I replied “I love you too,” He walked me out the door and waved me goodbye as I got in to Louis’ car.

I shut the door and drove off; we stopped as we had turned the corner. “Are you sure you want to do this Sarah? It might effect your relationship” Eleanor questioned. “Yes, I have to stay here with my mum for a while anyway, I have to be here where someone can constantly be on gaurd just incase anything goes wrong.” I replied.

Louis shrugged and we drove around the block a few times until we saw that Harry’s car was gone. Louis dropped me back and Eleanor got my suitcase. They got me inside safely and plonked me down on the couch. I put my crutches up and waved them goodbye. They slammed the door behind them, making sure it was locked and drove off.

Harry’s POV:

I drove to the airport still slightly curious why Sarah wanted to go with Louis; I guess they did have to talk about something though, oh well.

Around 15 minutes later I arrived at the airport. Grabbing my suitcase out of the car and calling my cousin to come and pick it up and take it back to her place where she can use it for the time being. I gave her the spare keys before.

I got inside, got checked in and went to the private lounge room where I saw all of the boys waiting, including Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie. There was no sign of Sarah. “Hey lads, where is Sarah, didn’t she come with you Lou?” I asked pointing to Louis. “Yea, Sarah just had to get her seat and stuff ready in the plane, they had to sort out a comfortable place for her to sit, ya know, with her like, leg and all.” Louis said squeezing Eleanor’s hand slightly.

I just shrugged and waited to board. I sat down and then in 5 minutes we were called out. I showed the woman my ticket; she nodded and let me through. I walked down 2 hallways, climbed up the stairs and into the private jet. There was still no sign of Sarah. I thought ‘where is she’ but I knew she would be on here somewhere so I just sat down quietly and got out my phone and started playing ‘Angry Birds’.

“Alright mate” Liam asked tapping me on the shoulder as he walked past, I nodded and then looked back down. I leaned over my shoulder and asked Louis “Where is Sarah, I thought you said she was already on board” “Yea, she is, she is probably talking to the captain, don’t worry, she’ll be here in a minute” Louis replied.

I just turned back to my phone. “We will now be taking off, please make sure your seatbelt is attached and that all mobile phones are turned off, thank you” I heard over the loudspeaker. I put on my belt and turned of my phone, still no sign of Sarah; 'I’ll go to the front of the plane to see if she is there when we are allowed to take our seatbelts off.' I thought.

15 minutes later

The seatbelt sign was now turned off and I turned my chair around to face Louis who happened to have a very serious look on his face, which is unusual for Louis.

“Umm, well Harry, how do I explain this, Sarah wanted to stay at home and spend some time with her mum for a while and so that she could have someone to like take care of her while she is in pain. She isn’t coming on tour with us. I’m sorry” Louis said sternly.

My eyes started to tear up; by this time all of the boys were either sitting or standing around us with their girlfriends. “You all knew about this,” I asked in a grumpy tone. All of their heads nodded. I just sat there, stunned, everyone had lied to me, my girlfriend, my best friends. I didn’t have any words to say. I turned my chair around and everyone just sat quiet the rest of the plane ride. There was nothing to say, I needed to talk to Sarah as soon as I could but at the same time, I didn’t want to!

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