Chapter 12

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Sarah’s POV:

I woke up at 5, giving me just enough time to get ready. I went out into the lounge room and saw all the boys lying on the couch watching Harry Potter, except Niall. “Hey” I said in a hazy voice. Harry’s head turned and he got up automatically and walked over to me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I pulled away and did the  ‘Follow me’ signal. I turned around and walked back into the room, he followed.

“So what should I wear tonight?” I asked, “Where are we going babe?” he replied smirking. “Oh sorry Haz, I haven’t told you, I am meeting up with some friends, they will be here at 6” “Oh” he said sadly. I hobbled over to him and hugged him he hugged back. “So what am I wearing?” I asked again.

He walked over to my suitcase and put it on the bed. He went through my things while I just sat there. He pulled out a strapless, dark blue, sparkly dress. “Wow, when did you get this?” he asked in surprise. “Oh I have had it for ages, just didn’t want to wear it, but I packed it just incase.” I replied. “Babe, you have to try this on!” he said. I grabbed it and kissed his cheek. I pulled out one pair of low vans to wear with it, since I couldn’t wear high heels. I then pulled out my bag of jewelry, hairbrush and makeup bag. Harry just sat on the bed and unpacked while I went to the bathroom.

I took off my shorts and t-shirt and put the blue dress on. I hadn’t worn it for ages so I was nervous to see if it would look good. I checked myself out in the mirror and liked what I saw. I then put on a heart necklace, earrings and ring. I did my hair in a low and loose side ponytail, covering the hair tie with hair. I put some silver eye shadow on, eyeliner and mascara. I put bright red lipstick on and just a tad of blush on my cheeks. I thought I looked all right so I went out to Harry who was putting stuff in the wardrobe. “What do you think?” I asked and his head turned. He didn’t say anything so I thought he didn’t like it. I sat on the bed and he came around and pulled me back up and onto my crutches. I smiled and so did he “I think that I am the luckiest guy in the world and that I wish you weren’t going out with your friends tonight.” I just laughed.

“Harry, can you put my shoe on?” I said laughing. He winked and put the Van’s on my foot. I smiled, grabbed my crutches and went outside. Louis, Zayn and Liam were standing around the bar talking when Louis noticed me and his head turned “Wow, Sarah, you look AMAZING!” I smiled and headed towards the door. I turned around and kissed Harry “Be careful Sarah, if you need me at all, just call me ok?” he asked concerned “Sure babe, I love you” I replied heading out the door. Harry winked at me and closed it.

I went down the elevator and out past the foyer and exited through the door. It was warm so I knew what I was wearing was going to be fine. I looked around, not seeing Niall when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and Niall was there, I smiled and he just looked at me. I looked towards the floor, not wanting to meet his stare.  “Sarah, you look astonishing,” he said. I blushed, he then started to sing, “you don’t know your beautiful” his voice sent shocks up my spine.

“So where are we going?” I asked inconspicuously. “Well I was thinking that we could go to the lake that is just down the road and get some chips or something” he replied “Sounds good” I told him as I started to head down the road. He stayed next to me, making sure I didn’t fall over. We had light conversations and laughed among ourselves as we finally arrived at the lake.

We plonked down a blanket and the sat on it. I put my leg out and leaned my head on Niall’s shoulder staring at the moon. I put my head up and saw Niall get out his phone and ring a café to order an extra- large (you know how Niall is) hot chip’s and a few bottles of beer. He hung up and told me “I am getting it delivered, don’t worry about the cost.” I just smiled at him.

“Anyway, how has the tour been so far, have you been missing Harry?” I asked, “Well the tour has been amazing, but I have missed you more. I don’t know why but you are always on my mind, I can’t stop thinking about you” that made me blush.

Not long after that the food had arrived and Niall had paid. We opened the box of chips and dug in. As we were polishing off the last two, I noticed that 3 of the bottles of beer had gone. I had one so there were only two left. I looked over to Niall who was just staring at me. “Niall, where has the beer gone?” I asked, trying not to sound scared. Niall then burped and all I could smell was beer. I looked away, when suddenly Niall launched himself at me and was kissing my neck and my lips. “Niall get off” I started to shout. Niall got off and said “Sarah, I can’t take this anymore, I want you. Only you, I know you are with Harry but you will have so much more fun with me.”

“Niall I love Harry, I want to be with Harry” “No you want me” he then launched himself at me again. I tried to get up but I couldn’t it was too hard. I then saw a hand reach across and push Niall back to the floor. It was Harry, he must have used his tracker on his iPhone to see where I was and he was worried. “Niall, get off my girl” Harry shouted. He was really angry.

“She doesn’t want you, she wants me” Niall said standing up. “Man you are drunk, let’s just get you home, leave the girl alone.” Harry replied trying to stay calm. “Why don’t you go home and let me handle the girl” that was it, that was the final straw for Harry. Harry plunged himself at Niall, getting into a large fight. I was scared that this was happening to my friends. I grabbed my phone out of my clutch and clicked on Louis number as fast as I could. It rang but no one picked up. I tried Liam, the same happened, no one answered, I tried Zayn and finally heard a “hello” at the other end. I then shouted down the phone “Zayn, thank God, you need to come to the lake now, Harry and Niall are fighting and I can’t do anything because of my stupid leg, HURRY!” I said worriedly. Zayn hung up and I just sat there feeling helpless. Zayn arrived really quickly and was in the middle of the fight automatically.

He pushed Harry and Niall apart, both of them puffing. Harry looked over to me. There was nothing to be said. Harry just left and Zayn pulled Niall and I into the car. I sat in the front, Niall in the back. I just cried all the way back as Zayn rubbed my leg. I got inside, Hobbled quickly over into my room, Harry wasn’t there, I assumed he needed some time to think so I put some track pants and a singlet on. I tried to go to sleep when suddenly I heard the front door open; it could only be Harry and that was clarified when I heard a large amount of shouting coming from Niall and Harry. I continued to cry when I finally heard the shouting calm down and went to sleep.

What had I done?

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