Chapter 23:

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Sarah’s POV:

I got on the plane and was off to New Orleans. I watched “Twilight” and a few episodes of “Modern Family” and then I arrived. I got off the plane and felt slightly calmer. As I got into the terminal I saw my phone ring. It was Harry. I declined it and looked at all the missed calls, there was 11 of them.

I just got angrier and got my bag and stormed out of the airport. I rang Louis and he picked up straight away. “Hey Sarah” he said. “Hello Louis. I'm at the New Orleans airport can you come and pick me up?” I rushed. “Oh... I’m not going to ask why… I’m sure that will come out sooner or later. I will be there in 10 minutes. We are just around the corner from the airport” he replied. “Oh thanks Louis. See you soon” I then hung up. I got through customs and got out of the airport where I saw Louis in his car waiting in the pick-up line.

Harry’s POV:

She declined my call and I felt defeated. I then thought about it for a while and then decided I needed to talk to someone. I decided to get off the floor and drive around to her place. I had tears streaming down my face and as I got in the car I couldn’t see anything. I knew that wasn’t safe so I leant down on the steering wheel and cried more.

I then heard my phone ring and it was mum. I picked it up stammering “H-Hello?” “Hello Harry. Are you all right love? I was just ringing to ask when you would be here but now I'm worried about you. What’s wrong love?” she asked. I just cried into the phone as she tried to calm me down. I then finally got out “M-Mum, c-can you, only you, come to my place please?” I asked. “Sure Harry. I will leave now. I love you,” she said. Then it hit me hard again and I started crying again. “Harry. It’s ok love; I will be there soon. Bye” she then hung up.

Sarah’s POV:

I got in the car and Louis started to drive. “Are we going to talk about this now or later?” Louis questioned. I sighed and started to talk “Well I'm sure you know Niall is upset because of the tweet, but Louis, I'm being honest, it wasn’t me. Harry said he was upset and angry because of what he did and I guess he didn’t want fans to get angry at Harry or even for Niall to be angry with him. So he got onto mine instead. I shouted at him when he told me and I told him that we were over.” I blurted.

Louis had now stopped the car “H-Harry tweeted that?” he asked. I slowly nodded my head Louis then sighed and said “Harry does drastic things when he is angry. I honestly didn’t think you would say something like that anyway. I can now understand what has happened” he got the car going again. There wasn’t another word said as we arrived up to the hotel.

I asked Louis what room they were in and rushed up to the elevator, got in straight away, pressed the button quickly and felt myself going up the stairs. The lift opened and I ran down the hallway to their room. I banged on the door and Zayn came and opened it. I smiled at him, he gave me a sad look and pointed to a door just off to the right. I ran over to it, knocked on the door and went in. I saw Niall in the bed, crying his heart out into his pillow. That broke my heart. I knew how fragile he was, I know what he has gone through. I went and sat down on the bed next to him.

His head turned to my direction. I simply smiled at him. He sat up and brushed off his clothes. I then turned more to him and hugged him. He then asked me “Why?” I sighed and pulled away from the hug. “Niall. I know what you have gone through and I would never do something like that to you. I know what it is like, I had it in the early stages of my life and it honestly killed me inside. I will be straight out with you though. When Harry and you had fought. I knew Harry was angry. I tried to avoid you because I didn’t want to hurt him. Anyway, I didn’t know he was going on my twitter, but ever since I got hate from being with him he wanted to keep updated with it. So, when you called I went and checked my twitter and I saw that post and I was shocked. I couldn’t believe that someone had said that to you! Harry then came up after you had called and saw what was on the screen and he explained. I was so angry with him because he knew what I had gone through in Australia and a little over here. He knew that I never wanted to treat anyone like that! I guess he was angry and wouldn’t want fans to give him crap so he instead put it on me.I was so angry at that point so I told him it was over and left.” I said to him, looking at him straight in the eyes.

Niall then wiped a tear off his cheek and I could see his red puffy eyes and a red nose. “You know what. I am going to believe you because the whole time you were talking, you looked at me straight in the eyes. That tells me that you are telling the truth” I smiled at him. “You really said it was over with Harry and left to come and see me?” he questioned.

“Yes. I hate to see people hurt, to hear you crying killed me. I couldn’t believe what he had done and for him to cover up hurting his brother. It was just killing every cell in my body,” I told him. He smiled and shook his head “Why do you care so much?” he asked. “Because what happened to you was wrong and I know what you have been through and I know what it feels like to be in your positi…” I stopped as he leaned in and kissed me. My brain went all fuzzy and my heart was skipping beats. My hands moved up to his neck and I began kissing him back.

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