Chapter 3

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Sarah’s POV:

I woke up to ‘payphone’ at 7. Harry was slightly smiling in his sleep. God he looked beautiful in his sleep. I gently stroked his face and said “Babe it is time to get up” he grabbed my hand and kissed my fingers. “Ok” he said in a deep husky, sleepy voice, opening his eyes. He looked at me straight in the eyes, his beautiful green eyes, hypnotizing me.

I sat up and so did he, I rested my head on his shoulder and yawned. “ Are you ready or do you wanna get changed?” Harry said staring at my lips. “Lets just go, we can come back and get changed, can’t we?” I asked, “that sounds like a good plan, I’ll just text the boys telling them not to tell Niall about us, ok?” Harry asked reaching into his pocket to find his phone. He grabbed it and started typing with his thumbs.

I got up from the couch and headed over to the door where my shoes were. I put them on and Harry soon followed, doing the same thing. He went to the kitchen grabbed 4 cartons of eggs and with his spare hand he grabbed mine.

We walked to Brad’s house and started egging it, I only had a short top on and some leggings, it was actually quite chilly this morning, but I didn’t care I just wanted to egg his house. Harry and I had a laugh egging his house but during this I had a bad feeling that somehow Brad would know it was me, but why did I care?

We got through all the eggs and by that time it was now 8:15, I thought I heard the front door of their house unlock so I shouted to Harry “RUN!” we both sprinted down the road and Harry chucked the boxes behind him, he was a really fast runner and had to grab my hand to keep me up to his speed, we heard someone shout from behind us ‘you hooligans’ but we really didn’t care and just laughed instead.

We stopped quickly because of me, I was actually shaking I was so cold; Harry saw that and quickly took off his jacket revealing his plain white t-shirt. He stood behind me and slid the jacket onto me. It was warm and smelt of Harry’s nice cologne. “Is that better?” he asked looking into my eyes, I nodded.

We then ran all the way back to my place. I was huffing and puffing as I sat down on the couch, you could see my chest go up and down quite vigorously. Harry leaned down and kissed my head, softly, silently. He then sat next to me, “are we going to tell your mum?” he asked. “No, she wouldn’t allow of it, she would never let you stay over and I would have a curfew, we can just say you are a friend, which you really are but you are just a very, spec…” I got interrupted as Harry kissed me softly on my lips.

I sat on his lap, our lips never losing contact. He smiled and said, “You have to talk slower” and then kissed me again. I pulled away, “I know” I said and smirked a little. I then leaned in and hugged him. “I love you” Harry said in a very deep voice, I replied, “I love you to” and kissed the side of his neck softly.

By then it was already 12:00, we decided to head to the park early. Harry drove me there and we hopped out and sat on a bench. We started talking and I turned my head slightly, in the corner of my eye I saw a slim, tall, blond haired boy. I turned further around to get a better look. It was Niall; I looked away before he noticed. “I just have to go to the toilet, be right back babe,” he said kissing me on the cheek. He stood up and left and when he was out of sight I quickly ran over to Niall who was texting someone on his phone.

I tapped his shoulder. He turned around with his ‘a’ singlet on and a pair of sunnies. He smiled a very large grin; showing of his braces, which I thought was cute so I blushed. He then stood up and hugged me, his long arms reaching around my back. I smiled and then sighed; I wanted to tell him so bad, I just couldn’t. “Are you ok?’ he asked politely and sat down on the bench offering me to sit next to him. I sat beside him, “Yea, I am fine, just a lot of things going around my head that’s all” I said.“Oh ok, I’m sorry I stormed off the other day, I feel bad about it, I guess I just didn’t expect you to say that, I was actually quite worried about you” He said sounding concerned.

“You, worried about me?” “Yea of course” he replied in a happy tone. All of a sudden I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I picked it out and it read ‘hey babe where are you?? Xoxox’ Niall was now peeping over my shoulder; he had read the text too. “Who is that?” he asked. “Oh, no one” I replied, locking my phone. “It is ok, you can tell me” my heart was pounding. I didn’t want to say anything wrong, AGAIN!

Harry then to my surprise walked around the chair and sat next to me. “Hey Sarah, hey Niall. I just got here, how long have you both been here?” he said winking at me. I put my hand on his leg, but only where Niall couldn’t see. He then put his hand on mine, a bolt of electricity then shooting up my arm.

“Well I got here a while ago, I guess I wanted some fresh air” Niall said in his cute little Irish accent. “Me too” I replied quickly. We sat there for a while in an awkward silence until Harry broke it “Do you want to come for a walk Sarah?” “Yeah, that would be nice” I said standing up and Harry doing the same, “See you in a bit Niall” Harry said to Niall waving at him and then Niall waving back. We walked off, padding along in the grass until we knew we were out of sight from Niall, Harry pulled me around the corner of a small building, “and don’t you EVER do that to me again! I was so freaking worried about you, I don’t know what I would do without you”I then smiled because right now, I knew he loved me intensely.

“I was with Niall, I thought you would be able to see me, but obviously not, and when you texted me, Niall saw it so I didn’t want to reply” He then kissed my lips softly and slowly, he pulled away. “Ok, but next time please reply to my text” I then nodded obediently.

We walked around the park holding hands, nudging each other every now and then. This was nice, I thought to myself. Both of us couldn’t get the smiles off of our faces when suddenly I didn’t look where I was going and tripped over a rock. I heard Harry say, sort of in slow motion “watch out!” I found myself falling to the ground, then next thing I knew, I was on the ground crying, not touching my ankle that killed like crazy and was going slightly blue.  

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