Chapter 2

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Sarah's POV:

I sat on the pavement outside and put my head in my knees and started to cry. Brad was the one thing that I thought was right in my life, he was the best boyfriend in the world and I thought I couldn't be happier, but as usual, my world came falling to pieces.

I kept crying as I felt that was all I could do when I felt a warm shoulder on mine and then another on the other side of me, I didn't look up. " Sarah, what is going on, did I do something, I know I was blank with you before but I didn't know I was that bad, please tell me what is going on" I heard Harry say.

I looked up into the distance, my face was probably red, like it always is after I have been crying but right now, I couldn't care less. I felt a warm hand wipe the tear off the side of my cheek. It was Niall's hand, I was so glad to see that at least some people cared about me.

I cleared my throat " There is nothing much to say, I thought this was going to be the best day ever, but it has turned out to be the worst. What has meant to be a friend reunion has turned out to be me meeting with a true friend that actually cares and one that I haven't been in contact with for so long and what was meant to be me going on a date with the most perfect boyfriend in the world has turned out to be nothing at all!" I then handed Harry my phone and he then passed it to Niall.

There was silence then for another minute or so until Niall then spoke up "well he is just so wrong for you, you are such a lovely girl" "Niall, I appreciate your words of wisdom but right now I'm heart broken and I just want silence, so please... Shut up!". Niall then looked away, stood up, got his coat and got in the black limo that was just in front of us.

Great just another thing to add to the list of crap that has gone on in my life! I turned around and hugged Harry. "I am so sorry. I have annoyed you, hurt you, hurt your friend..." he then cut me off and said "Sarah, like, as far as I'm concerned, you have done nothing wrong. I know you like Niall and I am fine with that, it was just a bit hard for me to handle to start with!" I looked up at him and he stroked my hair. I wanted this moment to last forever, but inside I still wanted my life to end right here and now.

I was still looking at Harry when Harry leaned down too me and kissed me softly, this time I didn't pull away. This is what I wanted right now. I wanted Harry!

During this I didn't notice that Niall hadn't left yet and that he was still looking out the window of the limo. When we had pulled away from each other Harry smiled, this smile I hadn't seen before, he seemed really happy, for the first time. I smiled back and leant into his chest. "I couldn't be happier right here and now, with you, on this curb, in the most beautiful place." Harry said, as I felt his heart racing. "What are we going to do about Brad?" "Well we could egg his house tomorrow? And since when is there a we?" Harry told me mischievously. I looked up at him to see a cheeky grin on his face. "Egging his house sounds fun and is 'we' ok? I mean only if that is what you want!" "Yeah, I would like that" he said hugging me tightly.

Harry stood up and put his hands down to help me stand up, I grabbed onto them and he pulled me up. As I tried to let go he held onto one of my hands. "I want the boys to know" "ok" I replied. I held his hand happily, my eyes were still red and I could feel them throbbing, but right now I didn't care. Just before we entered the door to Nando's I looked back to see if Niall was still staring through the window of the limo and to my surprise the limo was gone!

We walked inside Nando's, our hands clasped together. All of the boys turned their heads and smirked. "Has Harry already got you under his spell?" Zayn shouted out laughing. "Lad's this is my girlfriend, Sarah". I smiled and all of the boys started to cheer and clap. I couldn't be in a better place right now, being with a friend that I hadn't seen or talked to for so long but deep inside my heart I still couldn't get the look that Niall had as he was staring out of the back of the limo. I wanted to know what happened to him, but I didn't want to upset Harry at the same time so I said, "Hey guys, where is Niall?" The lads all had a look around except Zayn because he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He reached into it and swiped across with his thumb, He said to us " Niall just texted me saying that he has gone to Subway to get something to eat and is then heading to his apartment to get an early night. He will meet us at the park tomorrow at 1:00." Zayn said looking slightly disappointed. "Wow, Niall must be pretty upset or angry, he never goes to eat subway, usually only when he is sad and he usually spends the night with us, I don't know what is going through that boys mind but he must be pretty upset about something," Louis replied worriedly.

I started to have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach but I knew that everything was going to be ok because I had Harry by my side; I knew he wouldn't hurt me and that we would be able to sort this thing with Niall out! I knew that if we all got some rest we would be able to figure this whole thing out.

It was now around 6:00 and we had to get up early tomorrow if we wanted to egg Brad's house so we all paid the bill and left Nando's. Louis, Zayn and Liam were all going to see their girlfriends tonight so that left Harry and I.

We said our goodbyes to the rest of the boys and said that we would all meet at the park at 1:00. As Louis and the boys drove away Harry grabbed my hand again and asked, "Are you alright?" I then replied, "Well I have this bad feeling that I have really upset Niall and Niall is the sweetest guy and I just feel really bad." Harry then said, "Look Niall will be fine, you have to stop worrying, we will sort it out tomorrow!" "Ok, I trust you" I said as I looked up to Harry lovingly.

As we were heading back to my apartment we walked in the moonlight. I said, "I love you" and kept walking and then Harry held my hand and pulled me close to him, "No, I love you". He then kissed me softly and smiled as I could see his breath because it was so cold.

We kept walking until we reached my apartment, I unlocked the front door let him inside and then turned around and locked it again. I plonked my bag on the bar and went to get a glass of water. I usually only drink half a glass and that is what I did this time and Harry just finished the rest off for me.

I went and sat on the couch and put the Olympics on. He joined me grabbing a blanket that was on the end of the couch. We both put our feet up and sort of cuddled on the couch! This was the sort of relationship I had always wanted, and I knew I had it with the best four nippled person that had ever lived.

We watched the Olympics until 10:30 and then we both fell asleep on the couch. In the middle of the night I heard my phone buzz the tune of 'One Thing' I woke up and looked at the time. It was 2:30a.m!! I then sat up and looked at the text message it read "I haven't been able to sleep, I have been so worried about you and how I just stormed off, if we got off on the wrong foot then we can start over, you are such a nice girl and I know you are having a hard time with some people right now but I am sure we can look past that, anyway, I am looking forward to catching up at the park tomorrow, see you then and sorry for storming off, xoxoxox -Niall'

I smiled at the text and saw that Harry was now awake too. "Do you think we should tell him?" I asked Harry who was looking a bit dazed. "No, let's just keep it quiet for now, I will text the rest of the umm boys tomorrow. Do you feel better now?" Harry asked. "Yes I do, I am so tired though, let me just set the alarm for 7 so we can get up in time to egg Brad's house" I said smiling, I then set the alarm for 7 and had it to 'payphone' which is always a bright song to wake up to! I then put my phone to sleep and locked it and then turned over to Harry, put my arms around him and went back to sleep.

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