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“You should tell him”

“What? Are you crazy?”

“C’mon, what’s the worst thing that can happen?”

“He can hear me!” I complained and he rolled his eyes at me.

Me and Jimin were sitting in our usual table in our college’s cafeteria and like always, I was staring at the popular and incredibly hot guy across the room. The one who has been my crush for the last 2 years. The one who never even made eye contact with me.

“Ok, so keep spying him through your peephole”

“Hey! That happened only once!” I snitched “We both know he doesn’t go to Taehyung’s house every day” I mumble the last part.

“Don’t even wanna think about it if he did” he mumbled.

“I just think you should confess so you can get over him. You’ve seen the way he breaks girl’s hearts. They say “I’m think I’m falling for you” and he says “So I think you should get up”. No way you can still be in love after that” Jimin tells me as if it’s the easiest thing to do.

“I’m not telling him that I like him!”

“Fine, keep staring like half of the girls here”

He wasn’t lying. Wherever one of the 3 boys move, there was at least 1 girl watching his every movement.

Very annoying. I lay my head on the table and sigh.

“Why can’t I get over him?”

“Why don’t you try to go out with someone else? There are tons of guys here and I know for a fact that you’ve been asked out a few times but you said no. Cuz you’re stupid.” I raised my head and look over at him.

“You’re such a sweet friend.

“I know” he gives me a proud smile “Best friends speaks the truth”

“I guess you’re right”

When the torture session, aka my classes, were over I go straight home. And since it wasn’t  far I could walk. My beautiful plans for tonight was to forget about the world and be totally unhealthy in front of my Netflix. My snacks and my TV were all set just waiting for me.

When I got into the building I see Taehyung waiting for the elevator.

“Hey neighbor” I smiled and he looked at me, smiling back.

“Hey Y/N!”

Kim Taehyung. One of the 3 hottest guys in my university, who also happens to live right next to me. Literally. I met him when I first moved in and he decided to help since he didn’t have anything better to do. I still think that’s a lie but I’ve never questioned it. We got close after that, even tho he never talks to me at college, something that I never understood. Maybe because he’s a year older?

“Big plans for the night?” he asked, the elevator doors open and we enter.

“Oh yeah. You have no idea”

“You’re going to watch Netflix the whole weekend aren’t you?”

“Maybe” I answered and we looked at each other, laughing after a few seconds “You know me so well”

“Unfortunately” he said and we got off the elevator, heading to our apartments.

“I’m a blessing in your life and you totally know it” I search for my key in my backpack “What would you do without me when you’re craving for pancakes and doesn’t have the ingredients?”

“I would probably go to the supermarket. And guess what?” I look at him “I wouldn’t need to share”

“Take that as my payment ok?” we smiled at each other and opened our doors.

“Can I ask you for a favor?” he asked while I was almost closing the door.

“Sure” I looked at him.

“My friend is coming to deliver something to me in a couple of hours but I need to go to my granny’s house. Can I ask him to hand it to you?” he gave me puppy eyes that he knows I can’t resist.

“Fine” I sighed and got in my apartment.

“Thank you! I love you!” I hear Tae screaming outside.

“I love you too” I yelled back.

Finally my night can begin. I take a long and relaxing shower and put on my sweatpants and a huge t-shirt, making a messy bun in my hair.

All comfortable, I started to make my popcorn, prepare my coke and all my snacks and put them on my coffee table, pressing play on a Netflix movie with a huge satisfied face.

As the hours pass by, I finished two movies and started the third one, realizing that my food was over. After 20 minutes, I got really sleepy and ended up falling asleep on the couch


I wake up with loud knockings on the door. I groaned and looked at the time. 1:12. Who the hell goes to someone’s house at 1AM?? The knocks keeps going and I got up.

“I’m coming” but the person didn’t stop, making me angry.

“For the Love of God can you ple-” I stopped in the middle of my sentence and wide my eyes at the person standing in front of me.


Tell Me You Love Me [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now