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Nothing. I felt absolutely nothing besides my breath panting. And that made me hate myself. He breaks the kiss, giving me a proud smile and goes away. I just stood there, confused as fuck with everything that has been going on recently.

I walk to the side of the building and sit on the playground swing, not read to go to my apartment yet. Wasn’t it like a dream to go out with Jungkook? Maybe I idealized him too much? Expecting him to be someone he wasn’t?

“Are you ok?” I hear someone behind me asking and I scream with fright, putting my hand over my fast beating heart. Taehyung appears in front of me with a small grin on his face.

“Are you crazy? You scared the hell out of me!” I complained and he just smiled, sitting next to me on another swing.

“Sorry. How was your night?” he asked.
“It was… good.” He raised an eyebrow to me and I just look away.

“Good? That’s it?”

“I blame his stupid phone call ok? Everything was going pretty well till his phone rang and ruins everything”

“And… like, did anything else happened?” I looked at him waiting for more information about what he meant “Did… did he kiss you?” he asked almost in a whisper and again, I can feel my cheeks burning. Thank God it’s night already.

“Yeah… he did” my voice is as low as his. He then stared at me.

“Why you don’t sound excited about it?”

“I wish I knew” I sighed in frustration.

“Wasn’t that what you wanted? To go out with him and everything?”

“Yes Taehyung, it was bu-”

“Then why you’re not happy abou-”

“I don’t know ok?” I raised my voice and got up. This was getting annoying already. “I don’t know why I have zero interest to go out with him again or why my heart didn’t reacted when he kissed me like it did with you ok?”

When I finished I realized what I just said. I look at him with wide eyes and he’s just staring back at me, probably processing all the information.

“Y-you know what? I’ll go up. I’m tired” I said completely without emotion and turned around go get in the building “Good night Tae”

“But Y/N” he started to say but I just kept walking. Not wanting to have that conversation right now.


“What should I do??” I cried to Jimin who was patiently listening to me whining about my life.
After our class ended I went to Jimin’s house.

I’ll forever pretend that I didn’t run from Jungkook and Taehyung the whole morning. What wasn’t really hard, since you could hear girl’s noises whenever they were around.

I was currently lying on the couch while holding a fluffy pillow against my chest. Complaining about how a weekend could change my life, no, better, how a weekend could change the feelings I have had for someone for years.

“You obviously have feelings for Taehyung” he said while eating popcorn next to me.

“What?” I sat down “Of course not! He’s just my friend Jimin! I like Jungkook, ok?”

“Isn’t Jungkook the guy who kissed you but you felt nothing and the one you don’t wanna go out with anymore?” he stared at me with a grin in his face.

“Yeah but-”

“And Taehyung isn’t the one who you’ve been talking about the whole day and almost gave you a heart attack while you two were kissing?” he said making me sigh and lie down again.

“I guess you’re right” I mumbled.

“Like usual” he laughed.

“What about you? Anything knew in your lo-” before I could even finish my sentence, Hoseok, Jimin’s roommate, showed up with a towel around his waist and wet hair, going to the kitchen like there was no one else in the house.

I looked at Jimin whose hand stopped in the middle of the way to his mouth with the popcorn, making me chuckle to his state.

“Guess your love life is in the same way it was 2 weeks ago” I provoked him and he gave me a death glare.

“I swear he does that on purpose!”

“Why don’t you try to approach him?” and then Hoseok showed up again with some clothes in his hand and went to his room. Jimin sighed in frustration.
“Because… it’s weird! We live together you know?”


“So it’s weird” he looked at me “Besides, there are tons of girls who wants his naked body, I’m just another one in the line”

“But are you sure he cares about those girls?” I ate a popcorn and looked at him who was groaning, putting his arms over his face.

“I don’t know ok?”

“You should figure out before it’s too late” I said and he looked at me.

“Oh really? How about you figure out if you like Taehyung too huh?” he said and I threw some popcorn at his face.

“Oh shut up” I rolled my eyes at him.
After spending the whole day with Jimin, complaining and laughing about our sad, frustrating love life, I decided it’s time to go home.

When I got out of the elevator, I saw Taehyung sitting in front of my door. His face full of bruises with some blood spots. He looked at me and said in a weak voice,

“I think I lost my keys”

Tell Me You Love Me [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now