Chapter 2

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Today is Saturday so I agreed to meet the girls at Dinah's house. I kinda felt bad about not going to her house for a long time so I decided to make it up to her. We pulled up in the gravel driveway of Dinah's bayou house. She was literally on the river side! Her house was a single floor shack - like thing that had gaudy decorations hanging around such as moose heads and pink carpets that in no way match the wood of the house. We knocked on the door and waited for one of the Hansens to answer. Dinah's mom opened the door and showed us in smiling all the while.

"DAWGS!" Dinah cried jumping up from the table wrapping us in a hug. "And Mila! Glad ya came!" I smiled and nodded in response.

"DINAH!" Her little brother Beau called. "SUPPER!"

"Oooh!" She grunted. "We're comin'!" Dinah grabbed our hands and dragged us to the lardge picnic table used as a dining room table then sat us down. We said grace then literally dug in. The Hansen family is known for being sloppy eaters. Dinah and her siblings scarfed down large portions of meat at a time while Mani, Ally and I ate like normal people.

"Dat was some good grub!" Dinah laughed.

"Glad ya liked it!" Her mother beamed proudly. "What about you, girls?" We looked at each other then back at her.

"It was awe- Amazing!" Mani saved.

"Yeah, best meal I've had in a while!" Ally added. Dinah just grinned and spoke to her family.

After dinner us girls moved to Dinah's shared room and played truth or dare.

"Mani, truth or dare?" Dinah asked.


"Do you have a crush on Arin?" We all ooohed and ahhhhed as Mani blushed.

"Maybe just a little." She replied.

"Shure..." Dinah chuckled before finally getting off Mani's case.

"Uh. Mila, truth or d-"

"DARE!" I cut her off before she could even finish.

"Ok," she chuckled. "I dare you to open the window and ask the first person you see to marry you."

"Alright." I said as I got up and opened the window. I saw a man on a kayak and I screamed. "OH MR. BOATER! WILL YOU MARRY ME?!" The man chuckled and responded.

"OF COURSE." The girls and I laughed and continued playing for a few more rounds. Dinah suggested that we head to the dining room to play checkers and honestly it sounded boring, but I tagged along anyway. When we reached the living room two puppies were playing on the ground. Dinah went wide eyed at the sight of them.

"Awww! Dinah!" Ally said patting the pups on the head. "I didn't know you bought puppies!" Dinah seemed nervous for some reason.

"Yup." She chuckled falsely. I heard her growl at them as they scampered off.

"Why did you growl at them?" I asked. Everyone looked at Dinah now.

"B- because they're bad dogs." She stuttered, obviously lying.

"Dinah, there's something your not telling us." Mani said causing Dinah to back away. Four puppies jumped on Dinah, tackling her to the ground. I noticed the pups weren't dogs but wolves.

"Hey! Those are wolf pups!" I exclaimed pointing at them. The pups whimpered and looked up at Dinah.

"See what you've done?" Dinah snapped at the wolves, but the madness didn't stop there.

"Sorry, Dinah." The pups said. Us girls looked at one another in horror. The pups then transformed into four of Dinah's brothers.

"WHAT THE-" Ally shrieked.

"WEREWOLVES?!" I yelped. Dinah looked annoyed with her siblings.

"Surprise." She muttered with absolutely no enthusiasm. Weird enough, Mani seemed perfectly fine with it.

"You too?" Mani chuckled. Dinah smiled and nodded.

"What do you mean by 'you too?"' I asked. Mani whistled and a broom came flying in. She grabbed it and it hovered around in mid air.

"Yo- your a WITCH!?" Ally screamed hugging me tight.

"That's correct." Mani smiled as if it wasn't anything new.

"Mila, you see this too, right?" Ally whispered.

"Afraid so." I replied.

"Is something wrong, guys?" Mani asked sincerely.

"Um, aren't werewolves and witches, you know, NON- EXISTENT!?" I asked.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Mani and Dinah yelled simultaneously causing Ally and I to flinch.

"Sorry!" I winced.

"It's ok." Mani sighed.

"Just promise not to tell anyone about dis!" Dinah said seriously. We nodded briskly.

"We're still the same old Mani and Dinah though, guys." Mani cooed walking towards us. "Don't be afraid." We calmed down and nodded in understanding.

"I have a question." I said. "Does that mean ghosts and vampires are real too?"

"Yup." Dinah said nodding.

"What about zombies?" Ally whispered. Mani and Dinah burst out laughing.

"Zombies?" Mani laughed.

"Don't be stupid, Ally! Zombies aren't real!" Dinah laughed.

"Hey! I thought witches and werewolves weren't real but guess what!?" Ally defended gesturing at the two idiots rolling around on the ground.

"Ok ok, sorry Ally." Dinah said wiping a tear from her eye.

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