Chapter 3

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So now I have a new perspective over two of my best friends. But who can blame me? It's not every day you find out two of your friends are a witch and a werewolf!

I strolled down the hall to my second period class, biology. I always skipped breakfast break and went straight to class since it was only five short minutes long. I sat at my seat and dropped my backpack under my desk. I then sat on the stool up at the front of the room by the white board.

After a while, more students filed into the room greeting the teacher as they went. I noticed one girl in particular walk in. She had light red, almost pink, streaks in her dark brown hair. She had piercing green eyes and was a bit pail for a Miami girl. She wore a black and burgundy shirt with black skinnies and vans.

"Good morning, Lauren." Mrs. Heart greeted.

"Good morning Coach Heart."

"Remember, we have softball practice today."

"I'll be there." Lauren smirked as she sat at her desk. I just noticed she sat right beside me!

The bell rang and more students entered the room. Lauren sat completely still. Like, stick still. She didn't even blink for a while. The tardy bell rang causing me to jump a little in my seat.

"Alright, class," Mrs. Hart began "We have a quiz today so I'm going to pair you up with a study buddy. Quiz each other for five minutes then we'll take the quiz." The class nodded. "Ok. Bea & Ashley, Normani & Crystal, Keaton & Buck, Lauren & Karla, Lucy & Vero, Austin & Luis, & Amy & Moses." Everyone split up into their assigned groups. Lauren moved to the desk in front of me with a smirk on her face.

"Hey." She murmured with her smoky voice.


"Your Karla, right?" Lauren cocked her head to the side.

"Yes, but people just call me Camila."

"Alright." She chuckled. "I'm Lauren." I shook her extended hand.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled. Her hand was a little cold, unlike everyone else's.

After the quiz, we had ten extra minutes for free time. I walked over to Lauren and sat down.

"Hi!" I greeted. Lauren looked up at me with her emerald orbs.

"Hey." She grinned, putting her pencil down.

"How do you think you did?" I asked trying to start a conversation. Lauren pondered for a moment.

"Mmm, fairly well I think." She said nodding. "How 'bout you?"

"Ok, I guess." I replied. We sat there in awkward silence. "Soooo, any hobbies?"

"Just softball." Lauren replied. "You?"

"I'm in glee club." I said. "It's the only thing I enjoy doing." Lauren nodded and glanced downward. She looked back up and slightly grinned.

"You sing?" She asked cocking her head once again. I nodded in response. "Do you sing... well?"

"I... guess?" I chuckled.

"I know, it's a stupid question." Lauren laughed lightly.

"It's ok." I saw Lauren grin then her face grew stern when she saw Dinah and Mani standing behind me.

"Hey, Camila!" Dinah greeted chipperly. "Lauren." She muttered once she noticed Lauren was sitting there.

"Hello, Dinah Jane." Lauren grinned.

"It's Dinah." Dinah groaned unenthused. Lauren and Dinah had a little stare down until Mani broke the silence.

"Uh, Mila? Why don't we meet after school today?" She asked.

"Sure." I grinned. "Starbucks?"

"That'd be great!" Mani smiled. "How 'bout you, Dinah?" Dinah was still in her stare down with Lauren. "DINAH!" Dinah snapped out of it and refocused on us.

"What?" She asked. Mani sighed and asked her again.

"Starbucks after school?" Mani asked again.

"Oh yah! Sure thing!" She grinned. Before she and Mani walked away, Dinah glared at Lauren in a threatening manner.

"What's that all about?" I asked. Lauren just chuckled under her breath then grabbed her backpack and walked to her next class.

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