Chapter 4

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We met up at Starbucks after school, as planned. I got a simple hot chocolate while I waited for the girls to order. We sat at a booth by the window and talked about our days.

"So what's with you and Lauren?" I asked Dinah.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "She just gets on my nerves."

"That's not a good reason, D." Ally stated. Dinah took a sip of her Frappe then continued.

"It's a good reason to me." She grunted through her teeth. Ally backed off and sipped on her drink.

"So, tomorrow is the last day of Junior year, guys!" Mani exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh yah, I almost forgot!" I said. "This year has flown by, you know?"

"Agreed." Ally said.

"Just think, we'll be seniors next year!" Dinah sighed in a dreamy state.

"I wonder how Lauren feels about that..." I muttered. Dinah scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Who cares what Lauren thinks? She never goes anywhere." Dinah grumbled.

"What did Lauren ever do to you?" I snapped. Dinah stood and slammed her hands on the table.

"Mila, Lauren is bad news! Stay away from her before you get hurt!" Dinah snapped in frustration. I gazed at Dinah in confusion.

"Guys, people are starting to stare." Mani whispered.

"I'm out." I said grabbing my bag and leaving a tip on the table.

"Same." Dinah said. "Peace out guys." Dinah trailed me out the door and grabbed my shoulder.

"What, Dinah?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." She muttered in warning. I touched her hand and grinned.

"Thanks for your concern, but I can handle myself." Dinah nodded and let me go. I waved goodbye as I pulled out and drove home.

I was driving through the neighborhood towards home. I was still confused as to why Dinah was so worried about Lauren. I felt and heard a little rumble towards the back of my kia.

"Great." I mumbled. I pulled over and checked my back tire. It was flat as a pancake, no way I could make it home from here. I looked behind me and realized I pulled over in front of Jauregui Estate. I gulped so loud I could hear it. The abandoned Estate looked dark, cold and freaky. "Well, I gotta do what I gotta do." I sighed as I walked over to the iron gate. It slowly opened without me laying a finger on it. "Maybe the wind?" I asked myself. I slowly crept up the black stairs, glancing at the black roses growing in the pots. "Why didn't I get a flat in front of unicorn kingdom?" I groaned.

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